"Indeed," He moved quickly, getting back to his feet and a handful of snow finding its way under my shirt collar and down my back. He was laughing as I wiggled, trying to get it out and cursing him while I did so. "Ana, come here. I can get it out."

Oh, I knew exactly how he would get it out and I was not losing my shirtwaist out front when the Lightollers could see me through the windows. "You're lucky I haven't hit you!" I shivered as I felt the snow melt against my skin. I bent over, picking up some snow of my own and flinging it into his face. He barreled into me, hauling me over a shoulder and starting towards the house. I kicked my legs ineffectually, "Oh, I am going to get you William!"

"Ah, but I've captured you." He chuckled, "And now I'm taking my prize inside to get warm." Will opened the door easily, and I did my best to pout as he slung me down onto the settee before heading to the kitchen.

Lights, currently cuddling Mavis close to him, laughed. "It looks like you caught yourself a snow princess, Will." He seemed to consider me for a moment. "Hopefully she doesn't melt in here, would be a nasty mess to mop up."

I snorted, "Very funny, Lights."

"No, what's funny is my being here." He stood, walking closer to the fire. "Here I was, with them a leave from White Star for Christmas and what do I come home to? A letter from your mother, begging us to come to New York. And then my boys were at me, pleading to go. What could I do but pack them up and heave to across the ocean again." He bounced little Mavis in his arms. "With this one in hand too, and then it's all shopping and packing in New York to come down here, to some backwater town and cram ourselves into your little cabin in the snow." He looked to me, his eyes bright. "Now, I do not know what William here has been doing to help you in your time of need, although you seem better than the last time I saw you. But I shall require one thing from you, Anastasia. No crying, not on Christmas, for there is no reason to cry. Your family is here, and your friends, and I will brook no sadness at this time of year."

I smiled, feeling my heart swell a bit. "I haven't been sad for some time now, Lights, but I promise that I will only be happy today."

"You can be mad if you want," He cocked an eyebrow, "It seem to me that our Scot finds it funny." Will seemed to find that statement itself funny, laughing from the kitchen as he came back with mugs and a pot of hot chocolate. Charles considered it for a moment. "Are you sure you want to give the boys a treat for beating us?"

"Are you sure I should give you some?" He tossed back, but filled mugs for everyone. "Call them in, to the victors go the spoils." The boys were brought over, politely thanked their Uncle Will, and sat by the fire to drink. Sylvie rejoined us, having settled Mavis down upstairs for a nap, and took Light's mug the second he had looked away. She only smirked when he acted flabbergasted to find it missing. Throughout the day, others began to trickle in. First the Vanderbilts and Mother, with the Fields occupying the second carriage.

Morgan pulled me aside as Abe, Will and Lights fell to talking. She stopped in the library, running her fingers along the shelves. "You look well."

"I am well." I pulled one of the curtains open even further, trying to get as much of the weak winter light, which was slowly waning away as the afternoon wore on, into the house as I could. "It's been much easier out here, I haven't felt sick for some time."

"I am sorry I couldn't come when you were feeling ill," She joined me by the window, "I hope I didn't cause any of it."

"Oh no, Morgan." I took her hand, "It wasn't your fault at all."

"You at least ate the gingerbread?"

"Yes," I laughed, giving her hand a squeeze. "It was much better than the one I made here." I held her hand as we made our way back to the parlor, currently taken over by Rigel who was sprawled out and receiving attention from all the children. "I've gotten better at cooking, but it's a hard road."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now