"Well, isn't this a delightful turn of events," He remarked, my frustration seeping through my words. I longed to wipe that smirk off his face, but his physicality prevented me from doing so. His whispered response only fueled my irritation, drawing him closer to my face.

"Enough with jokes, Xavier get off before you crush my ribs," I snapped, attempting to push him away. However, his weight remained steadfast, unyielding. Frustration and confusion mingled within me as he leaned closer to my face, his breath warm against my skin.

"Why should I comply? I find this position rather preferable," he whispered in a seductive tone, his lips dangerously close to mine.

"What on earth are you doing?" My voice wavered, His breath brushed against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Simply savoring the moment before it dies," He replied, his warm breath grazing my skin. The realization of his intentions dawned upon me, and desperately wanted to push him away, I couldn't let my first kiss be stolen by this infuriating, albeit attractive vampire.

But before our lips could meet, a voice called out my name, breaking the charged atmosphere. My heart sank as I realized that someone had caught us in this compromising position. I shifted my gaze to see who had interrupted us, dreading the judgmental eyes that would surely be upon us.

"Oh no!" I thought, anxiety flooding my thoughts. "Why did they have to show up now, with Xavier on top of me?" Panic gripped me as I desperately sought a way to salvage the situation.

Xavier remained fixated on the newcomers, allowing me a momentary opportunity. Summoning all my strength, I pushed him off me, causing him to crash onto the floor. I winced as I heard him curse in frustration, but my attention was now focused on the intruders.

"Did we interrupt something?" Jacob's mischievous smile was evident as he spoke, while Avery struggled to contain her laughter. Embarrassment flooded my face, my cheeks burning bright red.

"I... um... we could go back if you want," Avery joked, her amusement evident. I tried to regain my composure, my face still flushed with embarrassment.

"You see, when I said 'before it's too late'," Xavier suddenly whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Next time, there won't be any distractions," he added with a wink before swiftly leaving the room.

Silence hung in the air as Jacob and Avery eagerly awaited an explanation. I felt their curiosity and the weight of their unspoken questions. Desperate to divert the conversation, I blurted out, "Where's Ana and Dean?"

"That's not what I want to hear, Red," Jacob teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Avery's laughter filled the room, making me pout in response.

"Avery, I thought you were on my side," I muttered, sinking back onto the bed.

"I'm sorry, but what do you expect? We walked in on a very interesting situation," she said, her laughter still bubbling.

"Don't forget surprising. This is the first time I've caught Xavier without a girl screaming," Jacob chimed in, a disgusted expression crossing my face as I realized the implications of his statement.

"Thank goodness you guys walked in," I sighed, lying back on the bed.

"Imagine if we were two seconds late, Avery. What do you think would have happened?" Jacob mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe Xavier choking her with his tongue," Avery replied, and they both erupted into laughter.

"I prefer when you guys are at each other's necks," I muttered under my breath, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay being here," Avery said, her tone softening.

"I'm good," I replied, trying to reassure them.

"Also, Mr. Caddel disqualified you," Jacob added, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut.

"What?!" I exclaimed, sitting up abruptly. Their sympathetic gazes only confirmed the news.

"He announced it, and we decided to inform you," Avery explained gently.

"Why would he do that? I'm totally fine now," I protested, confusion and frustration intertwining within me.

"He's your guardian, Red. Ask him later. Right now, you need to rest," Jacob advised, his concern evident.

"Yeah, take enough rest. Ana and I will visit before lunch, okay, dear?" Avery added, offering a reassuring smile.

I nodded solemnly, lost for words. First, Mr. Caddel had shown no concern during the incident, not even glancing in my direction. And now, he seemed intent on removing me from the situation altogether. I couldn't comprehend his motives, but a deep sense of resentment began to brew within me.

"Or do you want us to call Xavier to finish what he started?" Jacob quipped, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest pillow and hurled it at him. Unfortunately, he caught it effortlessly.

"Nah,Red, you'll need that when you get to third base with him," he teased, before tossing the pillow back at me. Jacob and Avery left the room, their laughter echoing in my ears.

I hate them now.

No, I hate Mr Caddel even more.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter ❤️

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