Chapter 29

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Carina's POV

Today, Mama and I were going to the palace to have tea with the queen. I was excited so I woke up early to prepare.

I washed myself in a copper basin before drying off. After slipping into my chemise, I walked over to the vanity to prepare my hair and makeup. I roughed my cheeks, eyes and lips before putting my hair into a braided crown, a single piece curling around my bosom.

It was now of suitable hours so I rung for Belle to help me with my corset. After being corseted, I searched the wardrobe for a suitable dress eventually finding the perfect one.

It was silver in colour made out of a beautiful brocade for the most part with a pale grey in the centre covered in a tulle material. On the bodice, floral embroidery with laurels were stitched in a silver thread.

I accessorised with silver jewellery. Silver laurel bands encased my biceps, silver flowers were put in my hair along with pearls. I wore pearl stud earrings and my neck was accessorised with a grey velvet choker that had a teardrop pearl hanging down.

I slid on my grey pumps before grabbing my silk gloves and going downstairs.

I ate breakfast before taking a walk in the gardens. It was October so there was a chilly breeze in the air.

Making my way over to the gazebo, I sat down and prayed, thanking God for the life he had given me. Then, I heard a crack behind me.

Quickly turning my head, I saw mama. She approached me quickly.

"It is midday. I haven't seen you in the house, have you been out here all morning?" She asked.

"It is midday already. I hadn't even realised." I said. "Shall we head to the palace?"

Mama smiled as she pulled me up. We walked arm in arm to the carriage that had been drawn to the front of the property. After getting in and getting comfortable, we departed.

It was a thirty minute journey to the palace, a quite pleasant one as well. The ride was smooth and traffic was light.

Mama and I were escorted into a lavish tea room decorated with exquisite and might I ad very expensive furniture.

Queen Charlotte was already sat down at the table, I hope we hadn't kept her waiting for too long. We walked towards the Queen and dropped into a low curtsey.

"Is that as low as you can go Maria?" The Queen asked with a joking manner.

"I'm afraid so your majesty." Mama replied with a smile.

Charlotte gestured to the table with an out stretched hand, signalling for us to take a seat. We sat down and servants poured us both a cup of tea.

"Congratulations on your engagement Lady Carina," The Queen began. "A most illustrious match if I do say so myself, which I do. It is a shame that it took so long for the proposal, I do believe that a summer wedding would have complimented your complexion."

"Thank you your majesty." I responded, taking the teacup in my hand and having a drink.

"Though your eyes are very wintery. When is it that you and the Viscount plan on being wed?"  She asked.

"I hope for a date soon after the banns have been lifted however I must ask Lord Bridgerton his opinions." I replied.

"See to it that you do." The Queen commanded.

We drank tea, ate biscuits and gossiped for a couple of hours. The Queen got an important message and so we were dismissed.

It was half-past two by the time we left the palace. On the ride home, I took out the portable stationary set and began to write a letter to Anthony.

We arrived home shortly after I sealed the letter. I handed it to a footman.

"Please deliver this to Viscount Bridgerton." I instructed.

"Yes my lady." The footman replied before leaving.

I smiled, going upstairs and changing into more appropriate promenade clothes.

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