Chapter 9

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Carina's POV

An invitation to the Smyth-Smith Ball was highly sought after. It was one of the most illustrious events of the season, following behind the Bridgerton Musicale and the Hearts and Flowers Ball (both of which are hosted by the amazing Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton).

Mama, Charles and I stepped out of the carriage and entered Smythe-Smith House. Decorations of sage green and beige decorated the house giving it an elegant country feel. I picked up my dance card as we entered the ballroom.

Anthony was the first to come up to me.

"Lady Grey," The Viscount asked, "Might I reserve a dance from you?"

I smiled, "You may my lord."

I presented him with my dance card and he signed his name upon it swiftly.

Mama and I took a turn around the room conversing with the other ladies of the ton. We laughed and talked until a voice cleared behind me. I turned around and saw the viscount.

"Lady Grey, I believe I have reserved this dance." Viscount Bridgerton said with a hand outstretched.

I took his hand. "I believe you do, my lord."

We took to the dance floor. We stood next to each other and the quadrille began. As the music began, the quartets began to dance. Anthony and I were opposite my dear friend Cressida and her dance partner the Earl of Dorset.

We bounced and weaved amongst each other and rotated around the dance floor. Anthony had a giant smile upon his face as we locked eyes.

The dance ended and for some reason I felt sad about it. My eyes went to the floor.

"Lady Grey, if is ok with you, might I have another dance?" Anthony asked.

My face light up and a light blush appeared on my cheeks. "Of course my lord." I said.

He led me over to the refreshment table and got me a lemonade. Such the gentleman. When we were finished with our drinks, he led me back to the dance floor. After bowing and curtseying, the music began.

He put his hand upon my waist and the took my hand in his. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and we began to waltz. The music guided our actions as we spun around the floor. Our eyes were locked the entire time, entranced by eachother.

His eyes had never stood out to me before but upon closer inspection they shone. They were a deep brown colour but hidden within were specks of gold and a rich amber colour at the bottom.

Time seemed to slow in that moment. It was just Anthony and I, no one else. We twirled and revolved around the ballroom until the music came to a stop. I curtseyed and he bowed before escorting me to my mother.

"Dear, are you ok you look a bit flushed?" Mama asked.

"I am fine. A bit of fresh air will do me well." I excused myself from the conversation and made my way to the terrace.

Sitting down, I looked at the stars. Astronomy was a passion of mine, I enjoyed studying the stars and moon. I took a deep breath before I returned inside. Unfortunately for me, I bumped into someone.

"Please forgive me." I apologised, "I am not usually this clumsy."

"That is all right." A gravelly voise spoke.

I looked up and saw Sebastian Aston, the Baron Aston. He was in his late 30s. An ugly man and an idiot.

"Lady Grey. You have always amused me. Ever since I was a school boy and you were-" He began.

"All but 5, my lord." I interrupted. "If you excuse me."

I attempted to push past him but the boastful Baron would not let me passed.

"Might I aquire a dance with you this evening?" He asked with a heavy voice.

"My apologies but my dance card is full." I answered politely. The Baron finally let me passed.

After another dance, it was time for dinner. The guests were gathered into the drawing room.

I was seated near the middle of the table. Due to my social standing, I was sat next to the Viscount Bridgerton.

The mistress of the house began eating and so did we. A light soup was the first course, shortly followed by a salad.

Anthony helped carve some meat for me during the main course. They were serving venison with seasonal vegetables and a rich butter sauce.

For dessert it was baked apples and pears spiced with cinnamon and served with a delicious custard.

Anthony and I held decent conversation, speaking about a variety of topics. We spoke about literature, languages, astronomy and our hopes for the future. It was tranquil.

The evening was a great success. When we returned to Wisteria House at midnight I was exhausted. I rid myself of my clothing and put on my nightdress. I took my hair out before plaiting it and I washed my face in the basin.

Clambering into bed, I relaxed, swiftly falling asleep.

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