Chapter 13

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Monday, July 13th, 1814



Lady Bridgerton's Musicale went down a great success. I must applaud Miss Eloise Bridgerton for her sensational singing. Ears were truly blessed.

Our eyes, however, were not. One wonders when Lady Featherington will realise that her children do not suit the many shades of citrus she dressed them in.

Poor Penelopy Featherington looked like an overripe grapefruit in the frilly garments of bright ochre.

One is left to wonder as to why Lady Carina Grey left the Musicale after the intermission. But I do know one thing. This author is going to find out why.


Carina's POV

I sat in my room reading a letter sent by Anthony expressing his concern , like I had done so for days. I had not left. I didn't want to go downstairs. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to see Charles.

Once the ton knew of my engagement to the Atrocious Aston, I would be ruined. The family would be ruined; something Charlie doesn't realise.

There was a knock at my door. I didn't want to answer it.

"Can i come in?" Charles asked.

"Go away." I screamed.

"Let me in now!" He commanded in a shout. The whole house would be able to hear him.

I reluctantly unlocked the door and returned to my bed. Charlie stomped into the room.

"Why did you leave last night?" He asked angrily.

I didn't say anything.

"Carina." He warned.

"Because you ruined my only chance at happiness." I screamed.

"What?" He asked.

"You betrothed me to a man I neither love nor know and expect me to be happy." I started. "You just accept the first proposal I receive without even consulting me?"

"I have a duty as your brother-"

"Your duty is to make sure I am happy and provided for. Your duty is to make sure I'm safe." I interrupted.

"Aston would never harm you!" He shouted.

"OH REALLY!" I screamed, showing him my bruised neck.

Within seconds regret filled me, tear brimming my eyes and fear apparent in every breath.

"H-he did that?" Charles asked in disbelief.

Tears started to fall out of my eyes and I whimpered.

Charlie tried to embrace me but I pushed him away.

He got up and pushed his hair back. "The Baron acquired a special licence, he told me this morning." Charles said.

My breath picked up and tears were flooding my eyes with worry.

"I-i really d-don't want to marry him." I said in fear.

"I'll duel him." Charles said.

Mama burst into the room. "You cannot." She said.

"Why not? I am fully trained in it and my sisters honor is at stake." Charles shouted.

"I don't care how trained you are. You could still get hurt. Also, let me remind you that it is illegal." Mama spoke with reason.

"How are we going to get out of this?" I asked.

"We are going to invite his mother for tea." She declared looking to Belle and Mrs Smith at the door. I immediately caught on to the idea.

The Viscount Who Loved Me ¦ A Bridgerton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now