Chapter 16

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Carina's POV

Mama and I were to go to the Palace today. I woke up eager to impress.

When I got out of bed, I washed myself in a basin and applied a vanilla scented balm to my skin and lips. I lightly dabbed rouge upon my cheeks and lips before stripping out of my nightdress and putting on my undergarments with the help of Belle.

I slid on a navy blue and silver dress, matching it with the accessories that Anthony had gifted. I twirled my hair into a half updo and stuck silver pins into them. To complete the look, I slipped on a pair of navy heels and put my sheer blue gloves on.

Mama was waiting for me in the foyer. She shouted "Carina make haste or we will be late!"

I rushed downstairs. We got into the carriage and made our way to the Palace.

The queen's footman, Brimsley, escorted us into the conservatory where the queen was sat. Mama and I dropped into a low curtsey before Her Majesty allowed us to sit next to her at the table.

An array of exotic fruits sat on the table ranging from peaches to pineapples. There was also an array of cakes and biscuits.

The Queen looked at me before saying. "I am glad you are not married yet."

"Pardon?" I asked.

"You are not married yet. I am glad. Seeing you with Mr Aston, you were not happy." She said.

"I was not. He hadn't even proposed before acquiring the special licence." I informed the queen.

"We shall ensure only the best match for my star." Queen Charlotte proclaimed.

"You are most generous Your Majesty." Mama thanked.

"Viscount Bridgerton," The Queen mentioned, "The two of you seem close. Do you think he may propose? The two of you have been courting all season."

"One can only hope my queen." I replied.

"I agree." She said. "See to it that it happens. The pair of you make a most handsome couple."

I blushed at the statement. "Thank you my queen."

After tea with the queen, Mama and I head home. Charles greet us at the door.

"What seems to have you all excited?" I asked my brother.

"I wish to acquire a special licence to wed Miss Ponsonby." Charlie exclaimed.

"Are you that enamoured and impatient?" Mama laughed.

"Yes." He said bluntly before rushing out of the door.

I broke out into laughter as I went into the music room.

I sat at the harp and began to strum The Swan from Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the animals. My fingers were gliding from each string and my feet tapped at the peddles as the instrument rocked back and forth. The piece involved glorious arpeggios and had an elegant accompaniment. I felt involved in the song, telling the story of the swan as I played.

I practiced the harp for hours, playing pieces such as Canon in D and The Fountain. I was lost in the music before a knock at the door broke me out of my trance.

"Darling, you need to get dressed for the ball." Mama told me.

I rushed out of the music room and into my own. Quickly, I got out of the navy blue and silver dress before throwing on a white one with a navy velvet ribbon at the waist and sleeves. I kept the jewellery on and grabbed a pair of white silk gloves and I slipped them onto my hands. I grabbed a fan that matches the blue accents on my dress and went downstairs.

"Dear, you look stunning." Mama said.

"Thank you." I replied.

We got into the carriage and traversed to Lady Trowbridge's London estate.

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