Chapter 10

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Saturday, July 11th, 1814


Dearest reader, the Smythe-Smith ball was a success in the eyes of the young Miss Genevieve Solace. The young miss is now engaged to the Marques Leicester. With the first engagement of the season, and a rather quick one, this author wonders who is next.

With a sea of suitors, it could be any young miss.


Wisteria House
Carina's POV

I awoke the next morning refreshed and rejuvenated. Belle came in and opened the window and curtains, allowing air and light to seep into the room. I got out of bed and washed myself in the basin before Belle helped me into my undergarments.

First it was the chemise, then the stockings tied with a ribbon at the thigh, then it was my stay, and finally I put on my shoes. After that, I put a chemisette and then my sage green morning dress. I put on my pearl jewellery and went downstairs.

I sat in the drawing room eating an apple tart. My pomeranian, Alice, sat next to me, curled up in a ball. Mama came down and sat across from me.

"Good morning Carina dear." She said.

"Good morning Mama. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

She replied, "I did."

We continued conversing for a while. Talking about today's luncheon at the park. Suddenly, Charlie came in followed swiftly by Vincent.

"A caller ma'am." He announced.

I smiled. "Please let them in Vincent." Mama called.

Charles took a seat next to Mama. He was reading the newspaper as the caller entered. Baron Sebastian Aston. I sighed under my breath.

"Good day Lady Grey." The boisterous baron said as he sat next to me. He presented me a bouquet of daisies. I handed them to a maid quickly. I am allergic to daisy flowers.

"Thank you Sir." I said through gritted teeth.

The Baron was sat very close to me and he had his hand on my lap. I was very uncomfortable and Alice was growling at him. Good girl.

Sebastian was very boastful. Retelling his hunting tales and talking of his education. He was a vain man as well.

"You are lucky, my lady, that a man such as I have taken interest in you." He told me.

Charles had left well before this. He was looking for a wife. So i was left with Mama and the bafoon of a baron.

He was caressing my leg at this point. I tried to shuffle away but he kept getting closer.

Mama's head snapped up from falling asleep due to boredom. "Thank you for your gracious visit, Baron Aston. I am afraid we must prepare for the luncheon."

The baron got up and bowed to me. "Farewell Lady Grey." and he left.

I let out a relieved sigh. God, that man was dastardly.

I went upstairs and grabbed my green pelisse and matching bonnet. I grabbed my leather gloves and my parasol and head downstairs.

Mama and I got in the carriage and head to Hyde Park. The cooks had prepared a lunch for us which was packed into a picnic basket. The footmen had packed a gazebo.

When we arrived at the park, the footmen got to work setting up the gazebo. They layed a blanket on the ground and placed pillows. They then set out the lunch.

We sat at the tent feasting on cold cut meats and cucumber sandwiches, delicate pastries and decadent cakes. Occasionally I would snack on pieces of fruit.

A shadow loomed over the tent. I turned my head and saw Lord Bridgerton.

"My lady, would you care to take a turn about the lake?" The viscount asked.

"I would be delighted my lord." I said getting up.

The viscount and I promenaded to the lake. He offered me his hand, helping me into the boat. After I was seated, the viscount got in himself. He took the oars and we began to set of around the lake.

"So Lady Grey. Did you sleep well?" Anthony asked.

"I did my lord. Thank you for caring about my well being." I told him.

"It is no problem at all my lady." He continued rowing.

As he was rowing, I could see his muscles contract and bulge under his clothing. I was breathless and blush was rising on my cheeks.

"Do you have any hobbies my lord?" I questioned the gentleman.

"I do," He began. "I am a patron for boxing, I occasionally partake in the sport. As well as this, I enjoy horse riding. And I do enjoy a good book."

"What about you my lady?" The Viscount asked.

"I am affluent in the pianoforte as well as the harp and the cello. I partake in the art of water colour and I am fluent in French and Italian." Telling him this made me feel proud of myself. "I also enjoy reading."

Suddenly another boat rammed into us, I went tumbling into the murky water below. After removing his jacket and waistcoat, the viscount jumped in to rescue me.

I couldn't see a thing and panic started to rise in my chest. I held my breath for as long as I could when I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms lift me out of the water.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes to find myself in the arms of Anthony Bridgerton. We walked to the shore where Anthony was applauded for his rescue. I was given towels and I looked across the lake. In the boat that knocked into us was none other than the Baron Aston with a foul expression on his face. He didn't intend it to be I who fell.

Mama and I returned home in hopes to warm me up.

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