Chapter 21

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Monday, September 17th, 1814



Dearest Reader, as we all knew, the Vauxhall Celebration Ball is one event everyone looks forward to. However, being situated within the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, there is always place for scandal. After the spectacle of the Spectroscopy, panic struck.

Appearances of Aston had been reported , but no one could have predicted his plans in London. Gentlereader, I am appalled by what I have to report but it must be done. Ex-Baron Sebastian Aston has been arrested by the Grosvenor Parish under the assault and battery of Lady Carina Grey. They are waiting for the young lady to awaken for the trialling process to begin.

The young lady and her dear mama had been on a stroll through the hedge maze when the villainous Aston attacked. An innocent expert turned traumatising in seconds. Our hopes go out to the young lady and I wish that she recovers quickly. After all, no one shines as bright as she.

We all must thank the valiant Viscount Bridgerton for the rescue of Lady Carina as well as the initial containment of the criminal. The family must be ever so grateful.


Queen Charlotte's POV

WHAT! I could not believe what I was reading. After he left London, I did not think that Aston would return. Surely he would not dare to face the wrath of the ton, one would think.

"Brimsley!" I called.

"Yes Your Majesty?" He replied.

"Is there any news on whether Lady Carina has woken up yet?" I asked him.

"No ma'am." The butler said in reply.

I waved him away.

Carina's POV

I woke up with a horrendous headache. My body was stiff and it ached all over. Looking around my room, my vision was blurred. What happened?

Memories hit me like an out-of-control carriage. Tears filled my eyes and started flowing freely. Mama came into my room, not expecting to see me awake.

"Carina!" She exclaimed in relief, pulling me into an embrace. Tears were filling her eyes now.

"I'm so sorry Mama." I apologised, "I should've thought better than to go-"

"You cannot and will not blame yourself for this." Mama told me. "That vermin ought to have not returned to London, let alone attempt to take advantage of you."

I looked down. "The ton. They must know by now that I was there alone with a scandal-mongering moron. They will think I'm ruined. I'll never marry!" I cried into her arms.

"They believe I was with you. I sustained an injury and it looked like he had done it." She reassured.

"Are you alright?" I asked with concern.

"Am I alright? Darling, what I received was not even a fraction of what you experienced." Mama answered. "The real question is are you feeling alright?"

"I will be....eventually. What matters now is to spring back from last nights events and move forward with a strong head." I said.

"Last night. You were unconscious for an entire week." Mama made me aware of the situation. I froze.

"An entire week!" I spoke with alarm filling my voice.

Mama nodded.

"What of Aston? Did he get away?" I asked. My mind was wondering to the viscount, was he ok?

"Aston is currently in custody at the parish. They were waiting for you to wake up for the trial." She told me.

I thought long and hard before saying, "Let's put this bastard in prison."

Mama looked at me with a straight face. "Watch your language young lady!" She warned.

I apologised. "Sorry Mama."

She embraced me one last time before getting up. As she left, Mama called. "I hope you feel better."

I smiled.

Third Person POV

News of Carina's awakening spread round Mayfair like a wild fire. The ton relieved of the news.

"She's awake!"

"Lady Grey is awake!"

"Carina has woken up!"

From servant to servant, merchant to buyer, lady to lord. Everyone new she had woken up; everyone, including Anthony.

At Bridgerton House

Lady Bridgerton knocked onto the door to her son's study before entering. He had been worried sick about Carina. As she entered, she saw him sat upon a cushioned bench - head in hands.

"Anthony..." The matriarch called.

The Viscount looked up, his eyes darkened from lack of sleep and stained red from tears. His hair was a mess, correlating with the state of his emotions.

"She is awake." Lady Bridgerton said.

Anthony repeated. "She is awake?"

Violet gave a sympathetic smile to her son as she nodded. "Mrs Wilson heard from one of the maids." She said.

He put his head back in his hands before letting out a shaky breath, tears brimming his eyes. He rocked back and forth as the memory of her unmoving body: bruised, battered and broken.

"I-i don't think I'll be able to see her." He said, a tear rolling down his face.

"You cannot lose her." Lady Bridgerton whispered solemnly as she sat down next to him.

Entering a vulnerable state, the Viscount cried. "It's my fault it happened, I should have never let her go into the maze. I should've followed her."

"It's ok Anthony, SHE is ok." The mother reassured, embracing the man.

"I let her get hurt. I should have protected her. I-i love her." He said.

Emotions were flowing as the young lord cried. Guilt, shame and pain encircled him, capturing himself in his mind.

"I know. I know." The Dowager soothed.

The Viscount Who Loved Me ¦ A Bridgerton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now