Chapter 17

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Carina's POV

Lady Trowbridge's balls were always...eccentric, to say the least. Performers were stood on platforms, covered in lead paint to make them look like statues, a band of gold across their eyes.

Mama and I entered the ballroom and on arrival I was flocked with gentlemen requesting a dance. Anthony being the first.

I went to the refreshment table after the first three dances which were, for some reason, placed right next to each other without a break in between. I was exhausted already.

On the dance floor, I could see Anthony dancing with Edwina Sheffield. There eyes were locked and she was smiling. Something in my heart ached. Jealousy. Envy. It hurt seeing him with someone else.

I had to pull myself together. Envy was a sin. Mama came up to me.

"Are you alright dear? You seem lost in thought." Mama asked.

"I'm fine, just out of breath." I replied.

"Oh, alright. If you say so." She said skeptically.

Mama offered her arm and I took it graciously. We took a turn around the ballroom and talked with other women. A shadow came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw the Viscount with his arm outstretched towards me.

"I believe that I have reserved this dance." Lord Bridgerton announced.

I looked at my dance card. "You have my lord."

I took his hand and he escorted me to the dance floor. He bowed to me and I curtseyed. The music began and we stood face to face. I raised my hand and so did the viscount, both hands touched at the wrist.

Our heartbeats unionised, beating in sync. Our souls finding similarity in their other half.

We twirled and spun around the dance floor. Anthony's hands placed themselves on my waist as he lifted me into the air. I felt weightless. The both of us moved gracefully, gliding across the dance floor. Our bodies moved in sync. The music reached it's crescendo and our eyes locked.

Gold gleamed in the eyes of the man in front of me. I stared into his eyes loving.

I stared at the man in front of me and saw a glint in his eyes. Love. My cheeks flushed as the music began to slow, eventually stopping. I curtseyed and Anthony bowed.

"Care for another?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Of course my lord." I replied.

And we began to dance once more. A much more lively dance. We trotted across the dance floor, spinning and twirling. A large smile resided on my face as emotions swelled in my chest. Happiness. Safety. Comfort.

The viscount and I joined arms as we began to weave amongst the other dancers. There was a spark igniting where our arms touched. A flame shooting warmth throughout my entire body.

The music came to a stop. The Viscount and I parted ways. Mama and I returned home, retiring from the eventful evening.

The Viscount Who Loved Me ¦ A Bridgerton FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ