Chapter 4

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Thursday, June 8th, 1814



Were you at Lady Danbury's ball last night? If not, shame on. You missed witnessing one of the most remarkable coup of the season. It was clear to all partygoers, and especially to This Author, that Miss Daphne Bridgerton has captured the attention of the newly returned to England Duke of Hastings.

One can only imagine the relief of Lady Bridgerton. How mortifying it will be if Daphne remains on the shelf for yet another season! And Lady B- with three more daughters to marry off. Ohh, the horror.

Although the Duke of Hastings has expressed his lack of interest in of the lovely and sensible Miss (Daphne) Bridgerton.

Across the ballroom, another Bridgerton romance appears to be blooming. That is one between the Viscount, Anthony Bridgerton and the shining star that is Lady Carina Grey. Will this season mark the arrival of a new Viscountess? After all, reformed rakes always make the best husbands.

Wisteria House
Carina's POV

After reading this mornings Whistledown paper, a small blush rose upon my cheeks. I had been sat in the drawing room contemplating this one question. Do the Viscount and I have a blossoming romance?

The butler, Vincent, came in with a tray of tea and biscuits. He placed them on the table in front of the couch.

"You have callers my lady." He announced.

"Thank you, Vincent. Can you call upon Mama to chaperone?" I asked him.

"Yes my lady." Vincent said before leaving. From outside I could hear him tell the callers that I will not be a minute.

Mama entered the room and sat down at a table near the window. She poured herself a cup of tea before opening a book to read.

Many callers and many gifts later, a certain viscount came to call. Lord Bridgerton entered with a bouquet of lilacs in hand. He gave them to me and I placed them on the gift table.

"Lord Bridgerton, would you like some tea?" I asked him after offering him a seat beside me.

"Tea would be splendid, thank you." He replied with a smile. I got to work making him tea. "This is the best tea I have tasted."

"Thank you my lord. It is a blend my brother has been working on. A mix of black tea and bergamot." I told him.

"Your brother is a genius." He said.

We continued to talk for another ten minutes before he had to leave. He bowed before bidding me farewell. I smiled. I believed that there was a connection between the Viscount and I.

"That was your last caller my lady." Vincent said.

"Thank you Vincent." I replied. "Mama I will be heading to the music room if you need me.


I sat in the music room practicing the pianoforte. I played Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven. My fingers danced along the keys, delicately playing the tune. The sound painted a picture as each note was played, showing a story of sorrow and longing.

Beethoven's music has always managed to evoke feelings within me. This piece in particular reminds me of my longing for love. Something I have longed for since I first saw Mama and Papa together. Something magical. Something I feel when I look at Anthony.

I practiced the pianoforte for an hour straight before my fingers grew tired. It was still a while until this evenings ball so I rung for a bath. It was scented with  gardenias and vanilla. I sat in the bath relaxing and considering my potential matches.

The Viscount Who Loved Me ¦ A Bridgerton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now