Riley, Annies long time boyfriend. He's nice and I consider us friends, so I do feel worried.

I read the texts with my head tilted to the side. I hurriedly respond, my thumbs tapping against the screen loudly.

"Is everything okay?" Demetri speaks up.

"Umm.." I drone while still typing. "Yeah, yeah. My friend is just... panicking."

i'm sure everything is fine!!
maybe he just got held up at the airport? phone died?

I send the texts and cross my fingers that they say the right things, because what do you even say when someone suspects their boyfriend has gone missing?

annie 🩶: His parents just called asking if I'VE heard from him, so I don't think so
annie 🩶: Can I call you?

ofc, gimme a sec

"Well, I hope all is well." Demetri says sympathetically.

"Thanks, but I think I have to go now." I tell him and hope my voice doesn't sound as disappointed as I feel.

"Oh." Now he sounds very disappointed. Is it bad that it makes me happy? "Very well. I hope we can speak again."

"We definitely can." I assure. "It was nice talking to you, Demetri."

"You as well. Goodbye, love." And then the line goes dead. My cheeks burn.

I stare at my phone with a giant smile, feeling like a complete ass, but it doesn't last forever, because soon Annie is calling me.

I immediately pick up and don't even get the chance to say hello before she starts talking.

"Oh my God, Ellie, I think I'm going insane!" Annie shouts. I turn the volume down on my phone.

"Just... calm yourself down and talk to me." I tell her.

I can hear her take a few long, deep breaths. "Okay. I'm just so worried about Riley, you know?"

"Of course, it's completely understandable."

"We've never gone this long without talking, and I don't want to seem like a psycho and blow his phone up.. but what worries me even more is the fact that his parents haven't heard from him... I mean they think he maybe lost his phone but I don't know..."

I nod along to her words. "I'm sure that's all it is, Anne." I assure, or try to, at least. "You'll hear from him in no time."


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