Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Well," Mask took out his communication device, "even in this world I can speak to anyone who is linked. My Handler has access to a book that stores all the information we Problem Solvers have gathered and there are teleportation circles that can transport you across the world near instantly. Though from your words it seems that what you spoke of everyone had access to, not just the rich and powerful."

Chloe nodded, "Yep. Though the rich and powerful did have more of it. I was pretty normal... pretty average too. We were a family of five. Two ordinary parents, my brother and sister were twins and I was the youngest by a few years. They were really smart. They both won awards, scholarships and prizes. My brother and sister that is, though my parents were the same. Compared to me I was... well, like I said before, average.

"To my parents that was disappointing. I know they loved me but I also know that they loved my brother and sister more. I was the third child barely noticed in family gatherings unless they wanted to rag on someone. Then I went to high school and-," her voice began to shake but she pushed on, "and it was good. I found things that I could do. That I thought I was good at. But then- but then...." Chloe's teeth grit together as the trauma of the past crept up in her throat like a growing tumour.

"Chloe you can finish your tale later," Mask spoke softly.

"No!" She shook her head determined, her eyes welling with tears. "It's just, I usually try not to think about it." She again took a breath to stabilise herself. "I was doing well and finally being acknowledged but then.... But then rumours began to spread about me. It happened so quickly. My friends began to avoid me, everyone began to avoid me. Someone had found pictures of me and put them on the internet. They said I was gay, that I liked girls. I thought they would go away but it didn't. The teasing got worse. The school had to step in and my parents- they were so disappointed. I can still remember their eyes.... They wanted me to deny it all. But I couldn't... because the rumours were true."

The tears dripped down but as fast as they were Chloe wiped them away, determined to finish, "I got angry and hurt someone. They suspended me and I locked myself in my room. At first my parents did everything they could to get me out. They yelled and pleaded, saying how what I had done didn't just affect them but everyone. But then after a month they slowly stopped. They stopped putting food outside my door. They stopped trying to talk to me... and when I finally went downstairs. They just ignored me. It was like I didn't exist. I ran back to my room and didn't know what to do. I'm not sure how long it was but I got tired, I could barely move, and then I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was here."

Chloe laughed harshly through the tears, "Just like that I was a baby being held in someone's arms. I was so scared at first but being a baby all I could do was wait. I realised what had happened and the strange thing was, I was happy. I could become someone else, someone better! At the start they called me a genius. Of course they did, I had the mind of a fourteen year old at the time. Then my brother and sister were born. Twins like before. I was going to teach them everything. I wanted to be the best sister in the world and for a few years it was like that. But they learnt really quickly. Quicker than I did. By the time I was six it was me who was struggling to stay ahead. Then they started to teach us magic and- you already know that.... I became a disappointment again. But a few months ago I knocked my head badly and I could suddenly see Titles. I could become useful to my family a different way. After I told my mother she sent me on a trip, that's when I was attacked and then I met you." Her tears dried up with a final wipe, "That's it."

For a long while Mask said nothing as Chloe simply sat and occasionally sniffed. She didn't look up, head tilted down and hands curled into fists. Her eyes however were clear.

Finally Mask reached over the table and gently placed his hand on her head, "You've been through a lot Chloe. You've done well."

"Haha," she laughed weakly. "You've been through more haven't you?"

"Well yes, but I put myself in those situations. You didn't have a choice and in a way, the problems you faced were far worse than those I did." He smiled, "More importantly, how do you feel?"

Chloe took a breath and turned her gaze towards him, "I feel..., I feel good." A tentative smile split her lips, "I feel like a weight is gone now."

"Then that's more than we could ask for. The question is what would you like to do?"

"I want to go home. Not now, but eventually. I want to see the world as we go. When I reach home, I want to show them all how much I've learnt. That I'm someone."

"Then let's do just that," Mask took back his hand. "The first step to that is to finish our job here." He checked his watch, "What perfect timing." A knock on the door resounded.

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