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~Demetri's POV~

When we land, we land outside of the Martell's home Sunspear. We are greeted by many people, two older men, a woman and many girls with a few boys. All with tan skin, black hair and brown eyes "Greetings" the old man in the chair smiles "I am Prince Doran, these are my children Arianne, Quentyn and Trystane. My brother Prince Oberyn, his paramour Ellaria and his daughters the Sand Snakes"

"I don't mean to be rude" Vhaela cuts him off "but I just found out about having two cousins who were murdered, can someone tell me who killed them so I can fucking kill them" oh yes, when Vhaela learned that she had two cousins who were brutally murdered she made it clear we fly here next and demand who killed them and for them to pay.

"I'm sorry?" Prince Doran asks

"I heard from my hand and cousin" waving to Tyrion and Robb who are beside us "that I had two cousins. Rhaenys? Aegon? I am here to both meet you and find out who killed then so that the person gets a fate worse than death"

The family shared a look "You didn't know them" Ellaria speaks up "why would you want to get revenge for people you didn't know?"

"Because it's the exact reason" she says "I never got the chance to know them, to me family is everything and they should not have been murdered" she gets emotional, how she doesn't know it yet I don't know "the person took away my chance to meet my cousins, they wrongly murdered them. It's time that person gets punished for what he did"

"His name is Ser Gregor Clegane" Prince Oberyn smiles "and I completely agree with you, my sister and her children were wrongfully murdered"

"The man you seek" Tyrion tells us "he works for my father, if anyone ordered it it would have been him"

"Then your father dies" Aemond growled "your becoming Lord of Casterly Rock, there isn't any way we are allowing a man like him to continue nor this Ser Gregor to continue to breathe"

"I like them" one of the girls says

"Apologies" Helaena comes forward "hello, I'm Helaena. I'm the Helaena and my brother Aemond, we're the siblings from the Dance of Dragons"

"What?" One of the girls asks "how?"

"Immortality" us Targaryen's all say, they blink their eyes at us. Right, Felix and I we both drank the Targaryen blood that Helaena spelled. So now we are both immortals like them.

"We are here to get to know you" they look at me when I speak up "how about we do that then plan the death of this Lord Tywin and his bitch"

"Of course" Prince Doran agrees "but first we ask you give over your weapons" Robb, Tyrion and Ser Barriston do.

"Your Graces" Robb speaks up "Lord Tyrion and I both have been talking, we believe having someone from Dorne in the Queensguard is beneficial or on the Small Council" We nod our heads as we go to Sunspear.


When we land our dragons outside of the dragon pitts, Aemond and Helaena look around sadly "Bad memories?" I ask

"This is our home" Aemond growls "how dare that usuper Baratheon sit upon the throne"

"Come" Felix motions, he sticks by Daenerys's side along with Helaena. Daenerys has finally popped, she's begun to open up more than before. Her husband Khal Drogo demands for her return, offering a reward to whoever brings her back. Her brother Viserys is back in Essos still, we hear his cock had been removed for this.

After an hour, we make it to the castle where the royal family greet us. When we arrived on the horses that Robb and Tyrion procured, people stared and whispered about us. It's no secret who we are and how Vhaela is changing many things. I'm guessing she's planning on changing things here since it smells like shit and piss.

"So your here" that Robert who I met is here, he scowls seeing us here.

"Last I checked" Vhaela scowls at him "the only way you got that crown is because you have Targaryen blood running through those veins, so watch it"

"Your in my home" that man takes a step near her, he stops hearing us growl at him.

"My king" Ned Stark is by his side "remember, we can't start a war"

"Hello" one of the men comes forward, he's bald with robes on "I'm Lord Varys, this is Lord Petyr Baelish, and finally Lord Renly Baratheon. We along with your uncle make up King Robert's small council"

"Pleased to meet you" Vhaela nods her head

One of the Kingsguard goes to kill my mate and I run at him pulling his heart out, people gasp when I drop the heart "You know" I say "I think you know what this means"

"Get out!" The king orders

Aemond goes over and rips his head off, people gasp at what we just did "Harm" Aemond warns everyone here "us and you will pay, now...I believe you have something of ours"

"Kill them!" That blonde bitch orders but Felix cracks his knuckles handing Alyssa to me, she is sleeping since all this traveling really tired her.

We watch as Felix rips heads off the Kingsguard who are foolish enough to attack. When he's covered in blood, he goes to the queen who looks at him terrified "Please" the kids beg

"My love" Helaena calls out, he stops then goes to her when she waves to him.

"I'll be clear" Vhaela looks around "your children but Daveth are no true Baratheon's, also Daveth is going to be given his title of Lord of Storms End. Helaena and her family will take back our family's home while I am with my family in the north-now, are you stupid enough to try anything?"

"No" Daveth shakes his head "I will accept my role as long as my siblings Tommen and Myrcella are under my care, not my mother's"

"Of course" Helaena nods her head

Why didn't I kill this usuper king to begin with? Could have saved so much time and trouble.

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