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~Third Person POV~

"You did what?!" Ned yells at his best friend Robert, not wanting to believe a word that came from Robert's mouth. Robert has just killed Rhaegar Targaryen, he is before his best friend Ned informing him what he had done because he didn't want any Targaryen to live.

"I sent an assassin to rid the world of those Targaryens" Robert says

"That child" Ned yells "is my niece! The last part of Brannon!" He runs out despite Robert's threats to have his head if he tries to save either Princess Daenna or her newborn daughter Vhaela. As Ned has his horse ride at full speed to Dragonstone where Daenna is waiting for her mother Rhaella and her little brother Viserys.

Daenna is looking out the window holding her daughter who is a mixture of her and her love Brannon. Vhaela who has Brannon's hair to Deanna's beautiful blue eyes. "My beautiful Vhaela" Daenna starts to cry covering her mouth knowing that Brannon would have loved to be here, to be a father "oh, my beautiful Vhaela" putting her daughter in her crib watching her fall asleep, Daenna goes to the balcony and cries hitting the stone railing "Fuck you Lyanna Stark!" Fury brews in Daenna's eyes at how her husband, her brother, her niece and nephew are dead because Lyanna Stark convinced her brother Rhaegar that they were meant to bring forth the child of ice and fire "I hope you die" she looks up to the heavens and prays "If anyone can hear me, please protect my child-have Lyanna Stark get what she deserves. Death, have her not be able to hold her child or watch her child grow into whoever he or she may become. Let the child live for it had no choice in any of this but have Lyanna pay for her choice"

Norella-the goddess of beauty, fertility and vengeance-heard Daenna's pleas and decided to grant them. For she along with a few of her siblings were watching over the Princess of Ice and Fire, the gods have already decided Vhaela's fate for she will be the one to save Westeros from the Night King.

The assassin who had just arrived, went to kill the babe until he heard a female voice "Touch that child and you shall die" a part of the assassin wanted to kill the child for how much he was being paid but the rest of his body trembled in fear if he killed the child. So he went outside and slit Daenna's throat, she gagged clutching her neck as she turned around to see a hooded figure with a knife. Falling over, blood spilled from her neck and around her.

The female voice who warned the assassin arrived grabbing Vhaela, opening a portal she took Vhaela to another world. When she does, she places Vhaela in a basket with blankets around her and three dragon eggs. One gold, one white and one green along with a book of spells and several books filled with the Targaryen and Westeros History. She also placed a shield over Vhaela's mind so that Aro doesn't look into her mind or any telepath.

Smiling to herself, the witch waits till Irena Denali comes by and when she does the witch startled Vhaela causing her to wake up screaming her lungs out. Irena who was going home after hunting heard the baby scream, going over she finds Vhaela along with a note over her-picking the note up she reads it.

To whoever finds Vhaela,

Please take Vhaela Targaryen Stark in, both of her parents were killed. With her she has three dragon eggs along with books on the history of her family and a book of spells. She was born on December 21st, thank you kind soul.

Irena puts the note away, crouching down she picks Vhaela up "Sh sh sh" rocking the baby in her arms, Vhaela has her eyes open and looks up at Irena with her blue eyes that she inherited from her mother "aren't you a beautiful baby"

The baby grabs Irena's finger holding to it, Irena sees that the baby isn't flinching or crying from the cold. Picking up the basket filled with books and dragon eggs, she goes back to the Denali house which is located in Alaska away from people.

When she arrived, she closes the basket and calls out for Tanya "Tanya! Can you call Carlisle?"

Tanya walks in to see Irena holding a baby "Where did that baby come from?" The mention of a baby has Kate, Eleazar and Carmen come in.

Eleazar takes a step closer looking over Irena's shoulder, Irena let's out a warning growl "How odd"

"What?" Tanya asks

"This child has powers" the vampires look at Eleazar.

"Powers?" Kate asks "Is that even possible?"

"I'm keeping her, powers or not" Irena states, looking at Tanya "I'll turn her when she's eighteen"

Tanya thinks about it "Fine...but let's hold off on telling Carlisle about the child having powers, I'd rather not have the child be used as a weapon or a an experiment" the others nod their heads in agreement.

~A Few Weeks Later~

"She's a healthy little girl" Carlisle tells Irena when the Denali's visit the Cullens in upstate New York. The Denali's visited Carlisle so that the baby can get a check up, when they arrived with a baby Rosalie ran out and wanted to hold her but Irena made it clear that Vhaela was to get a check up before anything else "I just need to give her some vaccinations"

"Okay" Irena nods her head stroking her baby's face with one finger.

"You say your found her in the woods?" Carlisle asks, Irena nods her head.

"Her human parents are both dead" Vhaela grabs Irena's finger holding on tight "I'll be turning her into a vampire when she's eighteen" Carlisle comes in and as he gives Vhaela her shots, the vampires hear how Vhaela cries loudly from the pain "it's alright sweetie, mama is here"

Picking her up, Irena rocks Vhaela in her arms. Leaving the room she is met by Rosalie "Can I hold her?"

"Sure" Irena hands Vhaela over to Rosalie, who is very eager to take her.

When Vhaela starts to cry, Kate comes over with a bottle of formula that Rosalie takes. As Rosalie is rocking and feeding Vhaela, Edward looks at the baby "Her eyes look familiar" but he can't place where he's seen her eyes before.

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