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"Okay" Alyssa puts down her cards "make it rain" the guys groan as Alyssa takes all of our money "make it rain for me"

"What" we look over to to see Felix and Helaena are back from date night "is going on?"

"Your daughter" Edward tells them "is cleaning us out of our money"

"Doesn't help that she's learning from a pro" Emmett hands over his Rolex watch, yeah it was Alyssa and I against the guys.

"I'm winning!" Alyssa jumps off my lap and runs to her parents "I got a car and a watch and a lot of money!"

"Your going to tell her to give us our money back, right?" Demetri asks as Helaena picks up Alyssa who hugs her.

"No" Helaena says as Felix grunts "yes"

They look at each other then "Why can't she keep her winnings?"

"She doesn't need a car" Felix takes the keys from Alyssa when she makes one of the cars sirens go off, he turns it off since the sound startled the dragons making them breathe out fire and look around for the danger "she has us to take her places, also she won't be getting a car till she is...sixteen hundred"

"Can I keep the money then?" Alyssa begs "please? I want to get a puppy"

"No mongrels" Felix grunts "you can get a cat, cats are better" I laugh as Helaena and Felix get into an argument about no dogs since Felix doesn't like mutts. When I stand up, I get a bit lightheaded before blinking to only be in darkness.

When the darkness clears up, I see I'm in a stone room with an ice chair—this looks like a throne room—and a woman with white braided hair and purple eyes stands before me. "Who are you?" She demands

"Are you always this bitchy?" I ask crossing my arms, looking around the place.

"I am a queen" she says "you"

"If you" looking over at her "have to say 'you are queen' then you are not fit to be queen" she brews with anger, I look her over "you must be a Targaryen"

"I am" she stands tall and proud "Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, first of my name, mother of dragons, Khaleesi of the great grass sea, the Unburnt, breaker of chains and the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Now I demand you tell me who you are, this instant"

"Forgive me your highness" I mock bow to her sarcastically saying, before I stand up "My name is Vhaela Targaryen-Stark. I'm the daughter of Brannon Stark and Daenna Targaryen"

She just stares at me "Impossible" shaking her head in denial "your hair isn't white, your No Targaryen"

I choke out a laugh "And because my hair isn't white I'm no descendant of Old Valyria? Then tell me how I have three dragons?" She is silent as she stares at me "Tell me how fire doesn't burn me? And from what I'm told don't Starks have dark hair? It's obvious I have my fathers hair and my mothers eyes"

She shakes her head "I was told you died"

"An assassin was after me" going around the throne "it was safer to have people think I'm dead, but from what I know from my cousin—I'm technically missing, presumed dead"

"If this is true" she comes over and takes my hand "then you can help me take back our family's throne"

I laugh shaking my head "No offense but I don't trust you nor do I know you, how do I know you aren't a crazy person. My aunt Aemond and my grandmother Helaena tell me not to trust anyone but then"

"Helaena? Aemond?" She asks "as in Aemond and Helaena Targaryen? They should be dead"

"They aren't" shaking my head "we live together in peace—now tell me again why I should help you?"

She's silent as she stares at me "Our family was banished, I'm the only Targaryen and—I just want to go back home to the Seven Kingdoms"

From what I know from history and what my teacher told me about Westeros "If I help you, it's on two conditions"

"What's the conditions?" She asks

"You be queen of the Six Kingdoms, the North goes to me" actually I don't want it, I'll have someone else rule but I don't want this woman to rule over the north. Helaena and Aemond both say the same thing, she is destined for craziness "the north should have a northerner defend them and my second condition is for Dragonstone to go to Helaena and her family. Aemond will be at me side"

She is silent "Deal"

I look at the throne "I'm guessing this isn't the Iron Throne?"

She shakes her head "This must be for you, it's made out of ice and ice is for the north...this must mean we are meant—destined to rule together" I start to fade "where are you going?"

"I...I think we are waking up" looking at her "till next time"

I gasp seeing in I'm bed, my mates are on either side of me. Helaena and Felix are at the foot of my bed as Alyssa is on me chest "Your awake" Alyssa jumps up hugging me "I knew it!"

"What happened?" I see Carlisle come in

"I had a dream or something similar" sitting up, Alyssa still in my arms as she plays with my hair "I met that Targaryen you both dreamt of" looking at Aemond and Helaena "her name is Daenerys, I don't like her—she's like a certain human but more obnoxious"

"You met her?" Helaena asks

I nod my head "She was talking about how us Targaryens are in exile and that she's the last Targaryen"

"What?!" Aemond exclaims "How did that happen?"

"I woke up before she could answer, though she did say I was destined to rule together" I create some snow and Alyssa screeches in happiness as she grabs the snow but it melts.

"Daddy" she cries "make the snow stop melting"

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