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"If you want" I tell the wolves who are across from me at the ravine with my arms crossed "Emily Young and Rachel Black. Then you will listen to my demands"

Paul scoffs "We aren't giving into your demands, those dragons die and you all die then we live in peace"

"Did you know?" I ask "that with the right punch, you can kill an unborn child?"

"Then kill the thing inside of Isabella Swan" Jared growls

"I wasn't talking about her, no" shaking my head as I toss over the sonogram photo. Embry picks it up "that I the child currently growing inside of Emily" they stare at me shocked "if you don't believe me" snapping my fingers, the vines that were holding Emily lower her to the ground and the wolves see her cry "well?"

"It's true" Emily sniffles "I found...I found out the day they took me"

"Let Emily go!" Sam yells as he appears

"Listen to my demands or I kill" shrugging my shoulders

"No" he growls

"Okay" I lower Emily and make a fist before punching her hard in the gut that there is no way that baby is living.

"No!" People scream, I have Emily be wrapped around a tree. One vine to her neck making it so that she barely breathes and the others with thorns that they make her bleed. I have the same with Rachel Black to another tree.

"You have twenty four hours to decide" crossing my arms "but be warned, these vines if you try to cut them will grow back faster and tighter killing then"

Walking over to the Cullens house, I see my mates as they have their arms crossed. "Did you" Alice asks me "have to kill the baby?"

"Yes" nodding our heads "what are you doing out here?"

Shrugging her shoulders "Came to ask how wedding planning is going"

"We already had a wedding" Aemond reminds her

"Not that one" waving her hand "I meant one in a church with"

"I don't know" shrugging my shoulders

"We haven't talked that much about it" Demetri says "oh, by the way" looking my way "Carlisle, his mate and Emmett went hunting while you distracted the wolves"

I nod my head "How soon so you think till Bella delivers?"

"Sometime soon" Alice says "she's come up with the baby names. Renesmee for a girl and EJ, Edward Jacob for a boy"

We stare at her "See!" Angel who joins us laughs "their terrible names"

"Maybe get rid of the Jacob and add Junior?" I suggest, we hear someone scream and look inside to see Bella being carried to the exam room.

"Seems the babies are coming" Angel huffs as we go over.

~Aemond's POV~

Demetri and I watch from the side lines as Vhaela cuts open the human, the mind reader bits down on the frozen sac before pulling out a baby "A girl, Renesmee"

"A girl?" The human asks

"There's another baby" Vhaela says, pulling out another baby-this baby much smaller than the other one-she says "another girl"

"Get that one away from me!" The mind reader snaps

Vhaela scowls "You'd keep one child and not the other?"

"That one was killing Bella!" He screams

The baby cries loudly, Vhaela comes over and looks at us "I know this isn't conventional or anything given who brought her into the world but...look at her" We look at the baby with dark hair like Vhaela's and green eyes "Can we keep her?"

Demetri and I share a look before looking at our mate "Alright" nodding our heads. She screeches in delight.

"What do we name her?" Demetri asks

Vhaela is silent "How about Alicent?" Looking at me "after your mom"

I smile looking at Demetri who nods his head "and Daenna for her middle name?"

"Alicent Daenna Targayen-Stark" we took her last name since she's our mate and I am proud to be a Targaryen and not a Volturi. Aemond Volturi was just too weird.

~Three Days Later~

"Why does this baby grow faster than the other?" The newborn demands as she's awake and meeting the twins for the first time.

"The one your holding us more vampire than human" my mate says holding the baby close as she feeds the baby some breast milk she got from the milk bank. Apparently women sell breast milk, that's a thing.

"I don't want that" the newborn hisses to the baby in my mates arms.

"We don't care what you think" Demetri says staying close to our mate.

"Come on" Vhaela walks off "I'm going to take Alicent out flying"

"Alicent?" The newborn asks "what kind of name is that?" She should really think before speaking.

As we are outside, we see the broken vines. Right, we let them go after the wolves agreed to our new treaty between us. "Alicent" Vhaela smiles "meet Lightfyre" Lightfyre just stares at Vhaela and Alicent before looking to the others who come near and stare at her.

"Come on" I suggest "let's go fly" Vhaela keeps Alicent in the baby wrap with the baby nursing bag, whatever it's called and we fly off on our dragons. As we do, we see a portal open just before Vhaela and it takes her, Lightfyre and Alicent someplace else.

"Vhaela!" Demetri and I scream

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