that happened

503 44 7

Type looked about the hotel room, in a bit of disbelief that tharn was still there, he then raised an eye brow over a very expensive laptop to the bed.

"What..... Line of work are you in?"

Tharn just closed the door to then lock to keep his eyes to his hand to the nob to dart his eyes over the action.

"I'm......a very expensive social worker."

Type turned his head to look over tharn a bit confused.

"Why very expensive?"

"I go more beyond with families, so children like me are not left with un stable parents."

Type looked over tharn to then turn his head back to look to the computer.


Tharn then turned his to look over type to see he wasn't taking off his coat to then take in a very deep breathe to then step to him to place his hands to his shoulders to start to take it down, type turned his head to eye over tharn narrowly to then move forward to turn to wrap his arms about to shake his head.

"I'll keep my coat on, I am not going to stay here long, don't even want to be here, however has I said, I am doing this for my brother."

Tharn tilted his head to look over type.

"So..... You and your brother are still in contact."

Type Darted his eyes over tharn to slowly breathe out.

"Only..... Recently..... Because of you."

"Why because of me?"

"After you wanted me to come here, I decided to go and talk to my brother first. I know he will tell me the truth unlike you."

"I am not going to lie to you type."

"Uh huh......I know you didn't really Fuck my brother tharn "

Tharn gulped to then eye down.

"You two.... Talked about that?"

"That we did. Can't really believe you would actually go along with that."

Tharn then slowly looked up to dart his eyes to wrap his arms about himself.

"I also can't believe you actually believed it!"

Type made a face to sign to then shake his head.

"You know what.... This was a mistake. There is no real reason I should be here and dragging up the past. Not going to change anything. Also nothing between us is going to happen. That ship has very much sailed."

"Mm..... Is that because of this other your seeing?"

Type looked to tharn in anger .

"Now you listen to me you fucking stalker. I am finally living my life the way I want, I don't and need you in it. I want you to go back wherever you came from and Fuck off!"

Tharns eyes narrowed to then step to type too have him look tharn up and down.


"Take off your coat type, we are going to be here a bit."

Type rolled his eyes.

"I am not going to take off my coat and I am done talking to you."

Type tried to go around to then look down has he saw tharns hand to his chest.

Tharn moved himself a bit closer.

"I said...... Take off your fucking coat type!"

Types heart started to beat has it did when he was younger, especially with the foul language tharn just did given he was a goody two shoes, to then take in deep breathes to have that feeling pass to then slowly look to him with anger.

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