can't keep this to myself anymore

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The next day, tubla was sitting across from his twin to have his head down to be swirling his food about, type and tharn had there heads down to be playing footsies under the table.
Tubla then turned his head to look over tharn who had a giant smile to his face, he signed to then get up to leave, type retracted his foot to then eye over him to look to tharn. Tharn eyed over type to turn to watch tubla go from the kitchen then about with his head hung.
Tubla made a face to turn to then go upstairs.
Tharn moved back around to then eye over type.
Type made a face to then shrug to go back to eating.
Upstairs, tubla had his body to the door frame with his arms wrapped about to look into types room to eye that drawer, flexing his jaw he then went to it to open to widen his eyes.
The cap from the tube was off and some of the lube was out.
Tubla made a hard face to then grab it, without thinking, to screw it back on to place it to his back pocket to leave and quick.
To the door way, tharn and type we're there with there back packs to be eyeing tubla to watch him place his shoes on and his back pack to then leave.
Type and tharn looked to the other.
"What was that?"
Type shrugged, the two then left to be walking behind tubla before tharn moved a bit quicker to stand next to him to eye.
"Tubla... What's going on?"
"Mm.... Not feeling good today."
"Maybe you should stay home."
Tubla turned his head to look over tharn to then place his hand to his, to peer his eyes back to narrow them to look forward, he saw distress in types face.
Tharn turned his head to keep holding tublas to wish it was types.
Going to school, they all went to there classes for lunch to then come about a bit quick, for tubla to have his tray to be looking about, he couldn't find tharn or type, he then looked to herti who was sitting alone to then go to him not knowing what tharn and type we're up to in a bathroom.
Tubla sat down and hard for herti to then look to him.
Tubla signed and hard to then grab the lube to place it to the table. Herti eyed it a bit confused to then look to tubla.
"What's this?"
Tubla looked to his friend.
"It's lube."
Herti widened his eyes to then eye it to then look back to tubla.
"Okay... Why is it on the table?"
"I found this in types room."
Herti made a face to look down .
"I really don't want to know about this tubla."
Tubla grabbed the lube to place to his pocket to then place his arms folded to the table to really look over his friend.
"Remember what you told me. You saw tharn and type holding hands?"
Herti looked back up to chew slowly.
Tubla made a very hard face.
"I think.....ugh....I don't even know what I think... Types not gay.... He is also so homophobic..... Also tharn wouldn't do such a thing......."
Herti swallowed to really look over tubla who eyed down with depressed eyes.
"Well.... What is your gut telling you?"
Tubla took in a deep breathe to look over herti.
"There is something going on with those two..... Maybe there...."
Herti made a face.
"If you think that then....... Catch him or them."
Tubla looked to herti confused.
"Catch them?"
"That's right. Do something or really pay more attention to them, because tubla either there fucking or there not."
Tubla made a hard face to look down.
"Tubla, I'm your friend. What I saw....I don't know..... You also wanted them to get closer maybe that's what this is, don't really hang around tharn like you do so..... Catch them."
Tubla Darted his eyes to turn his head has tharn sat down with his tray to look to herti then to tubla.
Tubla looked over tharn to then turn his head to see type was to the line with a very wide smile to his face, tubla narrowed his eyes to then look to tharn.
"Where....we're you?"
"Bathroom. Why?"
"You.... Took a long time."
"I know I was um.... Well you know...."
Tharn turned his head to look down to eat his meal, tubla looked over that to then eye herti who kept his eyes to tharn.
After lunch, tubla placed his hand to tharns to then turn his head to look over him.
"So.... My house tonight?"
"I can come over but my mom wants me home. Another time."
Tubla made a face to then look forward to sign.
You never want to spend the night anymore, I know about your mom, she works late so why are you going home instead of being with me?
Tubla then watched to see type go about to narrow his eyes.
Is there something going on with you and my man? I know something is going on with you two, I just know it....... But from what herti said, how am I suppose to catch them? What am I suppose to do?
Tubla made a thinking face for them to go to his next class for tharn to place his mouth to tublas cheek to let his hand go to then go to his class, tubla turned his head to watch tharn go to place a hand to his cheek to caress a bit.
There is something going on. You never really kiss me anymore, I don't understand this.
Tubla made a long face to then take his hand down to go into his classroom to sit to his desk to eye down to start to really think about what he was going to do to catch these two.
Tubla then sat back to watch the teacher come in to make a hard face.
I need to do something but what?

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