wish he wouldn't act that way

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The next morning to the breakfest table, everyone had there heads hungs to be playing with there food to not be talking.
Tubla was waiting for his package to arrive so he could go along with his plan, type was self sabotaging since what he said to tharn last night, tharn was angry he was kicked out of the bed early that morning to then have to go and sleep beside tubla. Tharn wanted more time with type given what he said.
Tharn then slowly looked up to then wince, tubla turned his head to look over him.
Tharn moved his leg up a bit to then rub about to look forward at type who kept his head hung, tharn then turned his head to look over tubla.
To then move his head to hang it to keep looking down to rub his leg.
"Just.... Moved my leg wrong."
Type nodded to then start to really eat, tubla turned his head has he heard the noise to then look over type to hang his head again to then gather his dish to get up to go to the kitchen.
Tharn turned his head to watch him go.
"Tubla.... You didn't really eat."
Tubla stopped to eye down, to have tharns and types on him.
"I'm.... Just not feeling hungry today. We need to hurry to school."
Tharn made a face to then turn his head to look over type with a look.
"Why did you kick me!?" He whispered.
Type kept his head to where tubla was to then turn his head to then look down.
"Your.... Being obvious again. Stop it."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look down to start to eat.
"Sure a bruise is obvious to something type. I do have my swim meet today."
Type shrugged, tharn darted his eyes over him.
"Why.... Are you being so....."
Tharn then darted his eyes to look down has tubla came back to eye them to then go to get ready for school. Tharn turned to make sure tubla was gone to then look over type.
"Why..... Are you treating me so...."
Tharn looked up to watch type get up with his finished bowl to watch him turn to go to the kitchen.
"We need to get ready for school. Come on."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look down to shake his head.
These two can be so alike.
Tharn signed not to really eat to get up to go to the kitchen to place his bowl in the sink to watch type move and quick.
Tharn watched him go to shake his head.
What is wrong with him?
Tharn gritted his teeth to then go and get ready for school, they all walked with there heads hung not to utter one word, getting to the school, tharn watched tubla leave his side and quick to then turn his head to see type do the same.
Tharn signed to then go to his class.
To his class, type sat down to his desk to make a hard face.
Can't believe I told tharn I..... Fuck! God damnit! The asshole turned me gay! Wonder if tubla was straight before tharn came around.
Type whimpered a bit to then settle down to go into self loathing. He felt like a huge bastard. Type told tharn he loved him and it would be okay to break up with tubla and they could go out.
Type had to close his eyes to take in deep breathes.
To his class, tubla was to his seat to do the same.
Heri with his head to his head turned had it turned to look to tubla.
"Tubla.... Are you okay?"
"Mm....I....will be."
"What does that mean?"
Tubla opened his eyes to then look to the teacher to remain silent. Heri darted his eyes over him to make a long face to then turn his head to eye the teacher.
Tharn sat in his class to have his arms wrapped about himself to eye his desk has the teacher started to talk.
Mm.... Maybe I shouldn't be dating either twin.... So much......
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
I love you type, just wish you would stop being so mean to me. I really don't fully deserve it.
Tharn signed to then look to the teacher.
After his class right before lunch, tharn went out to then stop to widen his eyes, type was across the way with his back to the wall, his arms wrapped about himself to be eyeing over him.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
Type signed to then motion with his head for tharn to follow, tharn watched him go to immediately go with him..
To the bathroom, tharn went in to then be pushed to the side to have type all over him.
Tharn kept his eyes wide open to look at type to be confused.
Type kept kissing tharn with force to then place his hands to his shirt to grip to then start to take him back.
To a stall, type had one foot to the top of the toilet seat, to have his other down, to have his hands to the wall to have his check pressed again it to lay quiet moans escape his mouth, tharn had his head hung to have his hands to types waist to grip and hard to really ram himself in to then lift his head back.
"Going to....."
Type squeezed his eyes tightly shut to feel tharn cum into him, to then cum on the stall wall.
The two stayed in that position to breathe very hard, for type to gulp to move his one leg down to then move his ass away to disconnect them to turn to go right beside his cum to hang his head to fix himself, tharn went to the other side to hang his head to fix himself.
"We.... Shouldn't have.... Done this.... You have to be really...."
Type shook his head.
"I deserve the pain tharn, especially when...... I'm just so....fucking stupid."
Tharn moved his head up to eye over type.
Type signed to then move his head up to eye over tharn with a hurt face.
"I stupidly fell for my brother's man and eventually he is going to know, I'm..... Going to be the cause of why he will be in so much pain...."
Type then turned to try and run for tharn to wrap his arms about to go to his ear.
"When I break up with tubla, it will not all be on you type. I did push and...... Other things..... This is not on you. I love you type. We will get through this."
Types eyes Darted to then sign and hard. Tharn moved his head back to eye over him.
"You...... We.... Need to go again. I'm hard."
Tharn couldn't help but to chuckle to turn type about for them to go into a deep kiss, for tharn to really wish type would stop acting this way.

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