have to be kidding me!

402 40 16

Furrowing his brow, type looked over tharn who got up to go to him to place a hand over his mouth to give him a hard look. 

"Shh! Your to loud."

Type rolled his eyes to then move tharns hand to look over him. 

"You can't be serious. We're in this mess because of the sex. Can't stop it. Then there is no point for us. How do you not understand that?"

Tharn made a serious face to then step back to wrap his arms about. 

"So I'm nothing but my dick to you?"

Types eyes narrowed. 

"Your the one who semi forced it. God, we're just helping the other. The sex stays tharn."

Type turned to go a bit forward to then stop to hang his head has he heard tharn behind him. 

"We love each other type. I don't think it's just because of the sex."

Type took in a deep breathe. 

"We hated each other tharn. We will go right back to that if you cut off the sex. That is the whole point we're together."

Tharn flexed his jaw. 


Type gulped has his heart started to pound unevenly in his chest to sign. 

"I told you tharn. I'm not...."

"Gay." Tharn finished his sentence to step further to him. 

"Just a tharnalochic."

Type made a hard face to grit his teeth. 


Tharn moved closer to type to dart his eyes about him. 

"I know we are more then just the sex type. I know you don't want to admit it, fine, but I know we are. I'm not going to have sex with you anymore to prove that point."

Types Lips parted to move his head up to watch tharn go about it to then go to the place he put his shoes and back pack to down. 

Type went to him in haste. 

"You cut off the sex, I don't want you to come to my room or be anywhere around me."

Tharn signed has he looked down. 


Type looked to tharn mad. 

"You can't really be serious here tharn. This is just...."

Tharn turned to go to stand right in front of type. 

"I am very serious. I'm sick of this type. Your almost 17 so am I, I don't want to keep sneaking behind tublas back, especially with his own twin. I love you. I...... Don't feel that for him anymore. But with you."

Type gulped and hard to then step back to breathe heavily. 

"Then..... We're done. Should have been months ago, this also never ever should have started."

Tharn looked over type in anger to scoff, shaking his head he turned to leave. 

"You are so.....fucking stubborn!"

Type jumped a bit has tharn left slamming the door, type made a very hard face has he really wanted to jump tharn for cussing, type really liked tharns bad side. 

Making a very hard face, type then locked the front door to then go to his room slamming the door, tubla then got up on his bed to look to his closed door. 

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