damaging myself

501 33 33

With his head hung, type had a hand to it to be looking down, has he sat across from tharn and tubla, where his parents were to either end to be on there computers to eat the dinner tubla made.
Type took in a very deep breathe has he was in a world of misery.
Tharn kept his head turned to eye tubla has he tried to hold his hand under the table to then peer his eyes to type to make a sullen face, type over the course of two weeks since that one incident, was more withdrawn, barely spoke, kept to himself and didn't really eat or drink.
Tharn then looked to tubla to place on a fake smile to know this was his fault.
Type signed to then get up with his plate to then start to go around, his mother took her head from her computer to eye.
"Type? Where are you going? We're having family time."
Type rolled his eyes.
"What part of you two being still at work and the two queers talking happily stated to be family time?"
Types dad looked to him to then furrow his brow.
Type shook his head to then go to the kitchen to place his dish away to then go about, he's mother stood up to eye over him.
"Type! We are not done talking! You can't act like that."
Tharn and tubla turned there heads to eye his retreating back.
"Uh huh."
His mother rolled her eyes, tharns lips parted to then turn his head to look over her has she sat to make a hard face to then look down in a bit of anger for what she said.
Tharn heard types mother say to him, why can't you be like your brother.
Going upstairs, type slammed the door to place his hands to the edge of his bed to grip to take in deep breathes has his mother's words were piercing through his heart.
Taking in a very deep breathe, type then withdrew his phone to then call his friends.
"Hey type, what's going on?"
"Is there anything happening tonight rano?"
Rano turned his head to eye over Muka and vlip.
"At my house, drinking a bit since my parents are gone why?"
"I can bring a bottle."
Rano flexed his jaw to then sign.
Type raised an eye brow has he heard that.
"Mm.... Was just thinking something, yeah come over."
Ruined my night but whatever.
Type then hung up the phone to then go to his brothers room knowing tubla still had that bottle underneath his pillow to then grab to turn to leave out tublas bedroom window. He didn't want to get caught by his parents.
Going to his friends, type couldn't understand ranos face, however they all sat around the table to be taking shots to also be playing cards.
Type then pulled one to toss it down to laugh.
"I won!"
Rano signed, Muka darted his eyes over has vlip clicked his mouth, they all then looked up has he stood.
"I can't ever win! I'm done! Fuck you type!"
They all watched him slowly go about to then slam the door..
"Vlip, can never stand losing."
Type then looked to the cards to pull them towards him. Rano looked over type, to then eye muka from the side has he saw him take another drink.
Mm..... Maybe my night isn't ruined, just have to....
Rano then looked to type to then place his hand to his head.
"So.....I heard you were trying with parina a few weeks back what happened there?"
Muka turned his head to eye.
"That slut? Did you know she has an STD?"
"No. How did you find that out?"
Type made a hard face, he didn't want to talk about tharn..
Rano raised an eye brow to then place his arm about his shoulder to sway them.
"So your really not like your brother? Your straight?"
Type then pushed himself away from rano to then stand to eye him with anger.
'hell no I'm not like tubla! Never was!"
Type then stomped away to grab a bottle to then leave, muka turned his head to watch to sign to then look back to rano, who eyed over him.
"I told you last time to shut up about tubla to type. He has a gay brother, so what? Your being way too hyprocrital."
Muka then turned his head back to then down a shot, rano looked closer.
"What are you talking about?"
Muka scoffed to then turn his head to eye over rano.
"You are so homophobic, yet you've sucked my cock and had it in your ass"
Rano made a fake disgusted face to then turn his head to look forward.
"I was drunk, I think your lying."
Muka turned his head to eye over rano who downed a shot.
"You weren't that drunk."
Muka then placed his hand to ranos package to then move it up and down, rano hung his head to eye this action to scream in his head yes.
Going home, type stumbled a bit to have that bottle to his mouth to consume, to drink it all to then take it away to eye within to then throw it over his shoulder to keep going forth to sway.
Before the door, tubla looked over tharn with a face.
"Really hate my parents are not leaving tonight, want you to...."
Tharn placed his hand to tublas face to caress.
"I will tomorrow. You need to get some sleep."
Tubla went to tharn to wrap his arms about to lay his mouth to his.
Type a bit away swayed a bit to then stop to move his head up to take in deep breathes, he then Furrowed his brow to see this to scoff to shake his head.
"You do those nasty things to me and yet you still kiss my brother! What the hell is wrong with you!" Type mumbled to himself.
Narrowing his head, he then went forward, in his drunken state he had enough. However by the time he went closer, tubla let tharn go to then turn to go inside, tharn signed to place his hands into his coat pockets to then turn to go about to then turn his head has he heard loud mumbling, he then eyed over type.
"What are you doing here?"
Type went straight to tharn to then push him away. To then point to himself.
"Huh..... What am I doing here? I live here you piece of shit!'
Tharn parted his lips to eye over type to be consumed with woe.
"Your drunk."
Type sputtered..
"So what! I think after everything I deserve to be! I have fucked up parents who want me to be a queer, then I have my saint of a brother who is dating a piece of shit!"
Tharn Furrowed his brow.
"You need to go home and sleep this off type."
Type then scoffed to then let his hand go down.
"I think......I need to go inside and tell my brother what fucked up things we've been doing behind his back!"
Tharns eyes widened to then watch type stumbling to go about to sway, tharn then placed his hand to his arm.
Type turned his head to look over tharn.
"Why in the hell not! I'm consumed with so much guilt because of you! And yet your here, laughing, kissing, playing..... You don't give a shit!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"What else am I suppose to do type?"
Type then pushed tharn back.
"I don't know..... Maybe not fuck your brothers boyfriend."
Tharn looked type up and down.
"That didn't make any sense."
"Neither does your face." Type started to laugh.
Tharn shook his head.
Why am I trying to talk to a drunk person?
Tharn then made a face.
I can't have type go home like this. He's parents are home, I don't want him to get in trouble.
Type then hung his head to start to sway a bit.
"Mmm.....I'm getting tired.... Let go.....I want to talk to tubla....."
Tharn looked type over to take in a very deep breathe.
"Your..... Brother is at a hotel."
Type then looked tharn about to continue to sway.
"Where? I want to go now....."
Tharn then placed his hand to his wrist to start to take type to a hotel for the night.
Going in, type stumbled through to then turn around quick to hit his back to the floor to look up to laugh.
Tharn came in to look down to shake his head.
He then went over type to grab him by his wrists to then take him to the bed to flop him to his back, tharn then went to his knees to start to take off his shoes.
Type laid to his back to look up to then slowly close his eyes.
"What are you....."
"Getting you down to your boxers, you need to sleep."
Type Furrowed his brow to then turn his head .
"Where is.....mm.... My brother?"
"He is sleeping. We don't need to wake him type."
Type sputtered.
"He's..... Too good for you "
Tharn Took of types other shoe to sign and hard.
"That he is."
Tharn then raised an eye brow, moving up he hovered over type to place his hands to either side of his head.
Type took in a deep inhale to then turn his head to move it forward with his eyes closed.
"What is tubla keeping from me?"
Type whimpered a bit, he then opened his eyes to look over tharn, he then moved up on his elbows a bit, the two darted there eyes over the other.
"Haha..... Nice trick...... Get me drunk and ask something like that...... No..... My lips are sealed.
Tharn made a face to then look forward to shake his head.
Type then started to breathe hard has he looked over tharn, he then parted his lips slowly to eye down.
"Th..... Tharn..... Your...... It's on my....."
Tharn widened his eyes to then look down.
"I didn't mean for......"
Tharn started to move away, for type to place his hands to his shoulders to grip to eye over him.
Tharn shook his head and quick.
"No...... We are not doing this...... Your drunk type, this is not at all okay...... We also cant keep doing this!"
Type tilted his head to the side to then start to move his groin up to rub his erection on his, tharn gritted his teeth to look down.
"You sure?"
Type then placed his hands to tharns head to then start to slowly turn it.
"I'm not gay...... Not even close but....... The sex is........ Something else....."
Type then moved his head closer to then lick at tharns bottom lip to then close his eyes.
Tharns whole body quivered.
You can't do this! He's drunk! Type is this way because of you! But..... But.....
Tharn then closed his eyes has type started to place his tongue in.
The two couldn't help but to moan has type took tharn slowly down without much knowledge.

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