why does this keep happening?

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Both panting, type and tharn had there foreheads on the other to breathe softly and low not to wake anyone, to dart there eyes over the other has they both came.
Tharn slightly parted his lips to move his head to the side to place his mouth to his, for type to keep his eyes opened to look over tharn has he was battling his tongue with his, type then moved his hands to tharns chest to push him away a bit to still look over him..
"Why are you still...."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Know you want to go again."
Type took in a deep breathe to push tharn harder for him to kneel has they were still connected to slightly sit, to continue to look over him.
"Even if I may...... Even though it fucking hurts.... Tharn..... You need to go to...."
Tharn narrowed his eyes to place his hands to types chest to push him down to continue to thrust.
Type lifted his head back to place his hands to tharns back to grip to wince and moan in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Tharn then moved his mouth to types adams apple to suckle has he made long strokes inside of his cavity.
Type curled his bottom lip inward to bite into it to become lost in this act like always.
After another round, type was to his side to have his arm stretched out to be playing with two fingers to sign, tharn moved his head up and down types pillow has he was to his side also with his arm about it, to then move closer.
"Type..... Go to sleep....."
Type signed again, to shuffle to his back to look up with a face.
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to look over type.
"What's wrong?"
Type turned his head to look over tharn to raise an eye brow.
Tharn made a face to move closer to close his eyes.
"No talking about that."
Type looked over tharn to turn his head to look up.
"You.... Do need to go back to tubla."
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"I set my alarm. Go to sleep type."
Type placed his hands to tharn that was to his stomach to peer his eyes down to make a face.
"Tharn..... Why does this keep happening?"
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to really eye type.
"Mm...... You're helping me, I'm helping you."
Type rolled his eyes.
"That's what this was suppose to be. But now..... We just keep...... It's hurting your relationship with my brother tharn. Have youve even tried to do any of these things with him?"
Tharn gulped.
Type turned his head to look over a distressed tharn.
"Knew it. Why aren't you!?"
Type said with a bit of a tone.
Tharn signed.
"Type..... Do you really want me..... To try these things with him when I'm doing it with you?"
Types Lips parted to look down with a hard face, to turn to his side to place his hands under his head to grit his teeth.
Tharn moved up a bit to eye over type.
"Go Fuck your boyfriend so this can end."
"That would be our real end? When I have sex with....."
Type squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
"Tharn..... Just go."
Tharn moved his hand to types arm to move his mouth to his upper shoulder to start to kiss.
"We shouldn't be talking about this......"
"That's funny. You always want to talk."
Tharn signed to move his head back to dart his eyes.
"This is just making you mad. Think you and I both know why this keeps happening."
Type made a pucker face.
"I..... Don't want to talk about this."
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh a bit to go to types neck to start to kiss about.
Type moaned a bit to move his head up.
"Mm.... Tharn.... Thought..... You wanted to.... Sleep...."
Tharn moved his hand to types cock that started to get hard to stroke to go to his ear to nibble..
"Your..... In distress.... Want to help with that...."
Types whole body trembled at tharns touch.
Type moved his body a bit to the side to move his arm up to place to the back of tharns head to move his head closer for them to lock into a kiss to move there tongues about the other.
Tharn then placed his erection in-between types cheeks to move his groin back to place his tip to his hole to tease, to then go slowly in.
Type winced a bit to then moan in nothing but pleasure, given tharn already came twice into him, it really helped with the pain, this made type like this action even more.
Tharn then was able to grab ahold of type to move to the wall to place his body to it to have his hands to types thighs to grip a bit to help type go up and down.
"Ride me type."
Type placed his hands in-between tharns legs up grip the bedding to do just that to lift his head back to quietly moan, to move his body to tharns to turn his head to look him over.
The two couldn't look away from the other has type continued to straddle tharn and hard.
Tharn placed a hand to types cheek. To caress, to move his thumb to his bottom lip to move about.
"Type......I love you."
Type rolled his eyes to move his hand to tharns wrist to move it away to move his body away from tharns to continue to ride his cock.
"Don't know why I asked you to....aah.... Just stop..... Say that to...mm!"
Before type could say his brothers name, tharn moved type and quick about to place his hands to his neck to press his mouth to his for a deep deep and sensual kiss.
Type placed his hands to be his shoulders to continue to go up and down on his length to move his hand to his cock to then start to stroke with the times of the thrusting, everything was feeling so very good, type couldn't help but want more.
After there third round, tharn laid to his back with type on him, to dart his eyes about to sign.
Why does this keep happening?
Tharn peered his eyes to type to place his hand to his face to caress.
Type......I do believe.....I am....
Tharn placed his other hand to cover his eyes to make a very hard face.
Shit! I think I have......

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