being bad for a change

457 37 25

Down to the bed, type and tharn we're kissing and hard, for type to then place his hands to tharns chest to then push him back a bit to keep circling his tongue about his, to then go to his pants to start to undo.
Hearing the noise, tharn snapped into reality.
He then placed his hands to types wrists to then place them too either side of his head to then shake his own..
Type made a pout to then looked down to sign. His erection was hurting in his pants.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You're drunk. We also need to stop this."
We're both going behind tublas back for this and he does not deserve it.
Type swayed a bit to then loll his head to the side to then eye there was a mini fridge.
He then made a face to place his hands to tharns chest after he got out of his grip, to then stumble towards the mini fridge to open.
Tharn went to his knees to have his head turned to eye type with a sullen expression to then turn about to place his legs over the bed to eye.
Type grabbed a big alcohol bottle to eye it, to sway a bit, to then get up.
Tharn tilted his head to the side, type went to him to throw the bottle, to which tharn caught, he eyed down to sign.
"You've had enough to drink."
Type hung his head to then place his hands to his buttoned shirt to slowly undo.
"Not Me..... Drink tharn."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then slam the bottle to the side to then look to type.
"Why do you and your brother keep trying to get me....."
Tharns lips parted has type undid his buttons to then take the shirt off to have it fall to the side to then go slowly to tharn.
This was the first time he was seeing types upper half.
He looked nothing like tubla. Tubla had soft almost fragile body frame, where type had a hard core with a 4 pack due to barely eating and the karate.
Type then stumbled to tharn then placed his hands to his shoulders to look down.
"I...... Gave that to you...... For us to be on the same level."
Type then placed his hand to the bottle to bring it up to unscrew the cap to take a bit to replace the cap to the top to then place the bottle back to tharns side to then place his hands to his neck to move his head up a bit to use his tongue to insert the alcohol in.
Tharns facial features twitched to then place his hands to types waist has he consumed.
Type then took his tongue out to go to his ear.
"You don't have to be..... hic....a goody fucking two shoes..... With me..... Be yourself....."
Tharns eyes darted to take in very deep breaths.
No one had ever said that to him before, tharn then gritted his teeth to then place his hands to types arms to then pull him to then toss to the bed to go over him, type lolled his head to one side to have his hands to either side of his head to look blacked out drunk up at tharn, to be no where mentally for this.
Tharn then placed his hands to the bottom of his shirt to take it over his head, to then toss to the side to then hung his head to part his lips.
Type had placed his hands to his body to move them around senually.
"Where's...... All your fat.... Go?" He sputtered.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"I was never fat."
Tharn signed to then turn his head a bit to eye that bottle, he was feeling very guilty for all of this, he just wanted to stop feeling like that.
Type slowly looked up to eye tharns gaze to then turn his head to eye the bottle, he then grabbed it to move up to have it to one hand.
"Just live a little.......fucking.....goody two....."
Type placed his hand behind him with his other after tharn then grabbed the bottle to then place to his mouth to down hating every last drop.
Type then slowly looked down to place his hands to tharns pants to start to undo.
He then got his cock out to start to stroke to make a hard face.
"Tharn.....nn.... Move down a bit..... Can't....."
Type placed his hands to tharns body to try to push him off, so he could go to his own member.
Tharn placed down the half drunken bottle to take in deep breathes has it was consuming him. Parting his lips slowly, he then placed the bottles cap back on, to then toss it behind to place his hands to types wrists to place them too either side of his head to then press his mouth to his and hard.
Type couldn't help but battle his tongue with tharns to coo and moan a bit.
Tharn then placed types hands into one above his head to then place a hand to the side of his neck to then start to grind upon him, to take his tongue out to go to his neck to start to leave kisses.
Type turned his head a bit to moan.
He then moved his legs to either side of tharns body to bend to plant his feet to then start to grind with tharn
Feeling that, tharn let type go to then slowly go down to kiss at his body to place his fingers into his pants and boxers to then start to slide them down still kissing about.
Type lifted his head back to Moan and loud, he then placed his hands to either side of him to grip the bedding.
Getting types lower clothing off, he then went to his own, to go back up to press his mouth to types for them to give the other a very deep kiss.
Type then wrapped his arms about to continue to kiss and hard.
Tharn then took his hands down to types legs to move them apart a bit to then probe his hole with his cock not quite going in.
Tharn then made it a face to take his tongue out to look down, the alcohol made him drunk but not blacked out like type.
Type opened his eyes to eye over tharn.
"Oooh don't you fucking dare stop!"
"But type....."
Type then placed his hands to tharns neck to lift his head up for them to dart there eyes over there other.
"God! Fucking live for one second dammit! Just........ Fuck me!"
Tharn made a hard face to then place his hands under types body to then grip his upper shoulders to then ram himself in has the alcohol started to consume him more.
Type lifted his head back to moan in drunken bliss.
"Aaaaah fuck! Your.......mmmm..... Like an animal! So hard! So deep! Shit!"
Tharn curled his lips inward to bite into them has type said such things, it was a very big turn on.
"Aaah..... Kiss me type!"
Type placed his hands to tharns neck once more to then pull him to his mouth has they shared in a very hard and deep kiss which matched the fantastic drunken sex, which was going to cause them problems the next morning.

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