ground rules

424 40 26

To his bed, type sat to the edge, to have his hands to either side to grip to move his foot up and down to take in deep breathes, he then turned his head to then eye the clock to sign a bit.
He then turned his head to hang it to eye the floor has he was waiting for tharn.
To tublas room, tubla had his arm and leg over tharn to be sleeping soundly.
Darting his eyes, tharn who was to his back, then took his hands to tublas body to then start to move him off to then go around to then turn to walk backwards to eye tubla still to being asleep.
Tharn signed to then turn about to then open the door to close, he then went very quietly and slowly to types, type took in a very deep inhale to then slowly look up.
Tharn came in to then close the door to place himself to it to eye over type.
Type made a face.
"You..... Should lock it."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then take his hand back to then do just that.
"What.... Is going on type?"
Type took in a very deep breathe to then slowly get up to walk to tharn to stand before him.
"You know this is sick, wrong, vile and a whole bunch of things right?"
Tharn gulped to nod.
Type then hung his head.
"This is...... Just me helping you gain confidence to...... Fuck my brother and...."
Tharn signed a bit.
"Type I'm not trying to use you and....."
Type snapped his head to look to tharn.
"I do not want to talk about that aspect. Other then tonight, we will be doing this at hotels. You will be paying for them. I am trying to find a girlfriend tharn, when that happens we're done. Your not the only one who wants to gain confidence in this department. You also are not going to say one word about this to my brother, not going to ever break up with him. Do you understand? I also have the right to make more rules has this goes along."
Tharn darted his eyes over type to really have only heard one thing.
'other then tonight?"
Type rolled his eyes to then grab tharns hand to place it over his crotch..
Tharns eyes widened to then peer them down.
Type kept his to him to dart them about.
"Understand now?"
Tharn made a face.
"We..... Really shouldn't be doing this."
"I know."
Tharn then moved his head up to then dart his eyes over type to then move his other hand up to types hair tie to then take it out for his semi long hair to move down, tharn then gripped types hair to then move his head closer, has what type said that one night echoed in his head. For tharn to be himself with him.
Tharn then placed his mouth to types to insert his tongue immediately in for them to swirl about.
Type winced a bit has he felt tharns hand to his head has he applied a bit of pressure, tharn then moved his hand from types to then place it into his boxers to wrap it about his erection to then start to move them back.
After a bit, type had his forehead to tharns shoulder to have his legs bent to either side of him to have his feet planted to his bed has type was to his back to have his hands to either arm to place his fingers in a bit to grip has he went up and down with the friction, tharn then went to types ear has he could tell he was stifling his moans.
"Are you okay?"
Type turned his head a bit to moan very quietly, he didn't want to wake anyone.
"How..... Could I...... This hurts....."
Tharn lowered his head a bit to then take in very deep breathes to slowly thrust instead of hard.
Types whole body quivered, he then placed his forehead to tharns chest.
"Don' Don't do that...."
Tharn lightly chuckled to softly moan.
"Don't..... Do what?"
"Go..... Go slow...... Just.... Fuck me!"
Tharn kept thrusting slow.
"I.... Don't want you to be in any pain..... Know this is..... We shouldn't be but type..... Enjoy it....."
Type gripped tharns arms a bit tighter..
"Why! This Evil, sick and....."
Tharn then placed his hand over types mouth to keep thrusting slow to look over him.
"Your..... Being too loud.... Rather this is wrong or not......god type, your so tight, is this what tub....."
Type then placed his hands to tharns mouth to shake his head to then lay his head to the pillow to take in deep breathes.
"More rules, do not say his name when we're....... Together...... Do not talk about him when we're......"
Type then lifted his head back has tharn kept up with his slow thrusting.
"Aaah.......your going to make me cum."
Tharn then took his hands to types wrists to pin his hands to either side of his head to look him up and down, to keep thrusting at this speed to look over type.
"Mmm fine but...... You need to....aah.... Enjoy this...... You do not deserve any pain type.... especially since this is my...."
"Aaah! Such a martyr!"
Type then took his hands from tharns grasp to then place then to his neck to move him down to move his body with his for them to twirl there tongues about the other.
After, tharn was to the edge of the bed to start to place his shirt back on, type laid to his side back to tharn to make a face..
Tharn then stood up feeling miserable to then start to go close the door.
Type closed his eyes to take in a deep breathe.
"You.....should take a shower before...... Um...."
Tharn placed his hand to the nob to dart his eyes over the action .
"These times...... We haven't really discussed....."
"We can tomorrow, I'm tired..... And sore..... And...."
Types eyes popped open to widen he then turned a bit to then look to tharn who came back to sit to the side to have a hand to his lower back to rub.
"Let me help take the pain away before I leave."
Types lips parted to then sign in frustration.
"Fuck! Your just going to cause more!"
Type turned to then grab ahold of tharn for them to go into another round, type really had no defense when tharn was like this.

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