Mental Plains & Plans

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Mia had access to Nexus's memories, just as she had access to her own. She could even enter them, like a virtual reality experience.

She knew. She knew what happened to the 13. How they died. How they fell.

She watched as Prima was devoured by his own ideas of order, how Liege chaffed at the chains made for him by his siblings to keep his chaos in check, as Megatronus struggled with his demons.

All through the eyes of a past Nexus. Who just wanted to keep her family together...

"Please, think about what you are doing--"



"Stop! Don't hurt him! GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

"stop. Stop. Stop. STOP! Prima, 13, stop them please!"

"Stop this!"

"We're a family! Stop!"

Mia went into them often. Not because she wanted to. They were painful, filled with death of bots she didn't know but through her forced-bond with Nexus she now felt kinship with.

But she knew that each time she entered them, Nexus felt the disturbance. And Nexus remembered.

"Mia?" Her voice echoed in the planes of Mia's mind. Or MiaNexus's now, because these weren't Mia's memories.

But now they were.

It was amazing how being stuck inside a combined mind worked. Following Nexus's voice, Mia found Nexus--in their true transformer form--sitting on a couch.

Mental astral projection. Amazing.

"Want to watch tv?" She asked, her giant hands golding a tiny remote. It reminded her of Bee when they watched TV.

Sensing that, Nexus immeidatly dropped the remote.

"Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers is on." Nexus said pleadingly.

It was so weird. She be friends with the human she had possessed. Acted like nothing is wrong. And you know what was sad? In any other circumstance, Mia would have been her friend.

Nexus didn't match the persona she gave off to everyone else, the act she played using Mia's body. She was dramatic, yes. And flamboyant. And chaotic.

But she wasn't some vile killer who looked down on others. She loved the chaos of life and followed its paths wherever it took her.

Honestly, Nexus and Mia would have been best friends. If they had meant in another way, if they were another way.

But now she simply stared at her captor without saying a word.

Nexus sighed, getting off the couch as it faded to the back of her--their--mind.

"Mia, you have to work with me here--"

Mia zipped around, heading for a different memory. Nexus followed, but she stopped just as Mia entered it...

Smoke came from the rubble that had once been her house. Clarissa ran into it screaming for their parents. Mia didn't.

She knew they were already gone. Gerome howled beside her, breaking the static that had begun taking over her mind.

"Mia?" Bee said gently. He was in robot mode, scanning for enemies. But he shouldn't have worried. Soundwave was gone. Her parents were gone.

They were never coming back.

"And I accepted that. That is what they would want me to do." Mia turned to face Nexus. "And if your siblings loved you, that is what they would want you to do."

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