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That had been the first time Maim had lost her cool.

Chemico wasn't surprised. When you were left with one major duty in life, it became very important.

And if you failed, it killed you inside.

The alarms going off. Red emergency lights flaring like fresh blood.

Chemico running to check on the two titans. Then Megatron, no way out, and a launch sequence...

Chemico had learned to school her facial features in the gladiator pits, but she hadn't been a spark eater then. Her tentacles quivered, with rage or fear she didn't know.

"But if they could help us end the war..." Windblade started.

"The primes thought that once too. Now they're all dead."

Though they could be reborn. Chem thought. Trion always said one would be reborn someday in the well of allsparks.

Silently, Chem opened her notebook.

Ancient and outdated by cybertronian standards, but it had belonged to her old master before her.

She had hoped to learn from his notes, but they were all written in some long ago language. A dead one.

As fifth in command, Chemico should be paying attention. But honestly, this wasn't her thing. Whether they should use a weapon to end the war was too political for her. She could do 2 things: teach and fight.

She was just waiting for orders to do the latter.

She felt a burn of hunger deep in her spark. Hunger for sparks of course.

But unless she got to the chance to rip one out of a decepticon, she'd go hungry.

Actually, that was pretty likely to happen.

Technically, Chemico could still survive on Energon, but the already bland fuel now had no flavor what so ever.

"We will not use the relics as weapons." She suddenly spoke up.

Everyone turned to her. The autobot minicon alliance, a team of Minicons who had sworn loyalty to Chemico, looked up at her in surprise.

"The primes, gods, got killed by these weapons. What gives us any idea we have any right to use them, that we would wield them better than the primes? We'd get the same outcome: everyone would be dead."

That silenced any idea of using the relics.

"So, what will we do with them when we find them?" Thrust asked.

"Jetason them into space." Maim replied. "And aim them right for a dying star."

"Okay," Chem clapped her hands. "So Soundwave? What's the plan, grab and snatch?"

Chemico could do 3 things then. Add strategize to the list.

"How are we gonna grab Soundwave?" Sideswipe questioned. "We can't sneak up on him."

"Who could be a worse con to get the local of a relic besides Soundwave?" Sunstreaker murmured.

"Soundwave isn't that bad." Mia defended.

Coming from the girl whose parents Soundwave had squished, that was a lot.

"He did save me and Clarissa."

Clarissa glared at her sister. The elder sister had not forgiven Soundwave.

That made Chem think of her own sister, Nightra. A viscous commander of the decepticons.

Chemico thought back. Soundwave did seem to feel he owed the girls. He never aimed for them in battles (battles they shouldn't be in in the first place) and once brought the girls home after they we caught in a landslide.

Not to mention, he had killed their parents' on accident.

Chem agreed with Mia, Soundwave was the better con; noble, loyal, smart.

But he was still a decepticon.

"So what, you want to ask him for the location of the enigma?" Clarissa asked.

Mia looked hurt. She always tried to see the two sides of every being, but people constantly saw her as being soft.

But Mia Cordial was anything but soft.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I had to introduce Chemico. She's a VIC--very important character. Not a rapper.

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