What Nexus knows

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Nexus knew things. No matter what Prima thought of him, Nexus paid attention.

He knew no one liked Prima right now. He knew Solus loved him, as well as Onyx and Megatronus. He knew Liege was always up to something, usually entertaining to Nexus, not to the others. He knew Thirteen was his best friend.

Prima thought he was the worst. Chaotic, but not like unicron. At least the others show their true colors.

That was offending to his whole family, to Nexus, Megatronus, Leige, and Quintus.

And why was Nexus so bad? Because he liked having fun? Wasn't so strict? Because he randomly did things to see the outcome without thinking?

Thirteen had heard that.

Like your true colors, Prima? Worst then Unicron. Cause at least the lord of chaos doesn't descriminate.

Prima shut up after that.

Nexus knew Thirteen loved all of them. Not in the way between Solus and Megatronus, or Solus and Nexus, but in the way they all loved each other.

Nexus knew he liked chaos. Where everyone else feared it, he embraced it. Just because one chaos lord was bad didn't mean chaos itself was.

Even Solus, Onyx, and Alchemist struggled to understand.

Didn't they get it? Chaos was needed for order, order was needed for chaos.

Plus chaos was fun.

Thirteen understood. Liege understood.

Megatronus didn't understand exactly, but he understood the appeal.

Chaos didn't make a caste system.

But order did.

Nexus knew Prima, Vector, and Trion were wrong.

Nexus knew he liked Thirteen's laugh. He knew everyone liked Thirteen.

Nexus knew he found Liege...intriguing.

Liege wasn't concerned with his image or goodness, like Prima or Megatronous.

He embraced his chaotic deceit. He wasn't always nice. Solus didn't like that.

Nexus found him intriguing.

Liege didn't discriminate. He lied to them all, he played them.

He was funny. Thirteen thought he was funny, most of the time.

Quintus was interested in the chaos of creation of life, Thirteen the chaos of will and personality, Solus the chaos of fire and building. Onyx the chaos of the spiritual world, Alchemist the chaos of nature, Vector the chaos of time.

Chaos interested Nexus, so he was interested in them all.

They were all chaotic. Nexus was just the one with the guts to admit it.

Thirteen had looked fascinated and proud when he said it. Alchemist had smiled. The others had looked horrified. Except Liege. He laughed.

Nexus liked his laugh.

Nexus liked unity, being together, he hated being alone.

He broke himself to bits and gave them life so he wasn't lonely when his siblings were busy.

Each part had a different personality.

Thirteen was intrigued. They like different. They like personality.

"Why does that interest you so much?" Nexus asked.

"Because life is boring with one personality. Imagine everyone being Prima."

Nexus had shuttered at the thought.

"Chaos is a part of life. Chaos is the range of personalities, feelings, and thoughts we have." They continued. "Chaos is what we all have in common. It binds us."

Nexus knew Chaos combined, order destroyed.

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