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Years ago, Cybertron is on the brink of war...

Chemico's war cry echoed throughout the gladiator pits and she and Nightra teamed up against Bruticus.

Many called this an unfair match; two bots against a combiner. But Chemico had beat a titan once, and Nightra had gotten away with attacking Sentinel Prime once when he came to one of the fights.

With a screech, the constructicons fell apart, alive but decombined and in stasis lock. Nightra moved to pound them but Chemico grabbed her.

"What are you doing?" She snarled at her sister, looking at the crowd. "They're eating this up."

"And they've had their fill." Chemico responded. She gestured at their fallen enemy. "They're done."

"But not destroyed." Nightra hissed as the crowd, bored, began to turn against them.

"You'rr gladiator bots. Finish it!" Someone shouted.

Shaking her head at her sister, Chemico turned to the audience. Her sister reluctantly left the constructicons to pick themselves up of the energon-soaked floor.

'You call us gladiator!" Chemico shouted at the crowd. "Then what does that make all of you! Mindless audience members, or the next one to fall beneath us."

"We do not like to be entertainment!" Chemico continued.

"Though we do like taking off heads." Nightra whispered.

"Out society makes us this." Chem roared. "But one day, what will you all do when we rise. When Bruticus steps on you under foot. When our miners turn their drills on you. When we beat our oppressors."

Some laughed, but many were silenced. Chemico bright green paint job, no matter the wear and tear from fights, was a warning.

Stay away from her.

But a small group of bots didn't take this warning. Led into cells by guards, Chemico and Nightra were surprised to be led outside.

"Oh great, you're talk is gonna get us executed." Nightra hissed.

"Rather be a maytr than a slave." Chemico said.

A deep laugh made them look up. Three bots awaited them. A blue and red bot, silver and purple one, and one with a beard attachment.

"By the Forge." Chemico said. 

Nightra groaned. "What? Its only Megatron."

"Only?" Megatron gasped in mock outrage. "Pax, do you hear this? I have let my title slip since joining you and Trion."

Nightra froze at that. "Trion?" She started to back up, grabbing for her sister's arm.

"Pax. A captain in the enfor--" Chemico added.

"Ex-enforcer." Orion Pax interrupted.

"Oh. The senate's corruption finally get to you?" Chemico hissed.

"Don't anger him stupid. He could arrest us." Nightra whispered.

"Actually, yes." Pax replied to Chemico's question. "And we three have come with a proposition; for a better cybertron."

Chemico looked intrigued, but Nightra simply laughed.

"Better? Really? Cause I've heard this sale pitch before. You wanna caul all the guttertrash, get rid--as in offline--all the violent gladiators and discontinue the miners."

Trion stepped forward and began to speak for the first time. "The only thing we wish to discontinue the functionism that has brought our society to its present state."

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