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Time: eons before great war.

Place: Cybertron. More data not allowed.

Alpha Trion stood over 11 bodies. He had not made a move in the entire battle.

The time of the primes was over.

The primes were nothing now. Maybe they had never been.

I will become a never-was. You are a to-be, Trion, but the others. Has-beens, all of them.

They had said those in their earliest days. He had never understood it then. He did now.

He was the only one left, they were forgotten, the others dead.

Their relics, now seeming as worthless as toys without living arms clutching them, were scattered around them like a circle.

"We fought for so long, my siblings." He spoke. "We were made for it. First Unicron, and then amongst us. They were the only one who remembered our other purpose. And they died for it."

The sunset filled Trion's blue eyes, making them appear as if an ocean burning.

He reached down gently and touched the Quill, his quill.

Able to write news events, new timelines, a new ending.

He had thought of bringing them all back. His siblings, his family. But no, that is not right.

He remembered Alchemist's last words to him, a last vision. He knew what fate awaited him.

Give the covenant to her. You will know who when you meet her.

But Trion had a feeling "she" was a long time coming. But he could wait.

But the relics could not.

"They are not good for us." He spoke.

He collected the most powerful things in the universe as if they were garbage.

He looked through his star map for a planet for safe keeping.

This one looked promising.

"Earth." A voice said behind him. It was not a question.

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