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"...the Enigma of Combination from the Earth."

Megatron's voice rang out through the autobot base.

Skunks stood beside Optimus and Elita as the conversation transmitted by Clarice were received.

Unfortunately, adding a tracker to the device would have made it easy for the decepticons to find on person.

That was why she was here. Though truth be told, she was better at tracking sparks than organic hearts. Good thing the girls were with Cheetor.

And the entire decepticon army.

"Soundwave," Megatron continued. "Prepare the troops and take the Nemesis to the location the data gave. And prepare out prisoners to help us dig."

"Yes Lord Megatron."

There was the sound of stomping footsteps, chains swinging, and doors opening and closing.

"Couldn't get a look at the data." Mia spoke. It would sound to the decepticons like she was talking to Clarice.

"Klesk. Vinamorph. Portaaaal" Cheetor reported.

"Quiet." Soundwave hissed, and there was a sound of him pushing into Cheetor.

To the decepticon, it sounded like pure gibberish. But to the autobots, it was the decepticons' destination.

And the location of the Enigma.

"The entire force of the decepticons stationed aboard the Nemesis is going to be there." Elita-1 spoke. "We'll need the same."

"We need the combiners. This is their relic after all." Thrust said. "Probably should call in the Maximals too."

"On it." Skunks said as she commed Primal while Ironhide contacted their 4 combiners.

"We will be there." Optimus Primal said as Skunks finished relaying Thrust's orders.

"Combiners say they'll meet us there so Prime." Ironhide confirmed.

As all of the autobot's military force prepared to roll out, Skunks found Maim in front of her.

"Uh, hello?"

"I am concerned." Maim spoke. "Mia, Clarice, and Cheetor are in danger as is the rest of the world. But the combiners worry me more than the decepticons."

"Why?" Skunks asked a little aprehesivly. The Mammoth-bot had never sought her out before to talk.

"Victorian and Computron I do not worry about, but some of the decepticon combiners...they will want the power of the enigma more than even Megatron."

Skunks nodded in realization.

"So I suggest we watch out for the decepticon combiners." Maim said louder so the rest of the base could here.

Then she giggled. "This is like Indiana Jones!"

As Maim joined the others, Skunks rolled her eyes.

The bot was defiantly a person after Mia's own heart.

Optimus turned to the Maximal. "Do you believe you can pinpoint Mia and Clarice's position when we get there. They will need to be taken away from the battlefield as soon as possible."

Skunks nodded.

"We'll get them no problem." An organic voice called from behind them.

Clarissa stood there, hands on her hips.

"Clarissa..." Optimus sighed.

"She's my little sister, Prime." Clarissa argued. "And she's gone on dangerous missions a bunch of times."

"Snuck on!" Bee pointed out. The yellow bot had a fearful look on his face, obviously concerned about his human partner. "Don't worry Clarissa, we'll get Mia and the others back, safe and sound."

But Clarissa wasn't satisfied. "I can sneak through the cons, find them..."

"And risk getting crushed?" Elita-1 suggested. "No. This is strictly a cybertronian mission."

"Siblings' judgement can be blinded when the other is in danger." Skunks spoke up. "You are a good sister. You would do anything for Mia. But you are also a good autobot. You would do anything for the cause. That is 2 things to focus on, added on with the direct threat to your world."

"We cannot split one of our best people up or put them at risk when the power balance is so fragile. For everyone's sake Clarissa, you need to stay back. Because if the worse happens, that the decepticons get the Enigma, we will need all the autobots ready. For anything."

Clarissa seethed. Everyone watched and waited. They could easily leave now, but that's not how they did things.

The other humans were here, Benny looking like he too wanted to come along.

"Fine." Clarissa, unlike Mia, could see the reason in staying back. "But you better bring everyone--and the enigma--back. I'm not losing anyone today."

Skunks winked. "Course you're not."

As Skunks turned to roll out--or in her case maximize--with the others, Hot Rod shoot her a grateful look.

They all knew their kids could take care of themselves.

The problem was so could the decepticons.

But no matter who got their hands on the relic, Skunks would bring their family home.

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