Any Way

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Thirteen looked at him in concern. So did everyone else. Even Liege.

"You want to...what?" They questioned.

This was the first time the thirteen primes had been all together in a while, and Nexus glowed in the closeness to the ones he loved most.

"Its perfect, right."

The room was plunged into silence.

Liege stepped forward. "Nex, its a great idea..."

Nex. Nex. Liege was the only one who ever called him that. A pretty name, Nex.

"But its...its...

"Chaotic!" Prima thundered as he stood up.

"Why did we invite him?" Solus whispered to Megatronous, who looked nervously at their oldest brother.

Nexus had invited him because he wanted them to be all together to share his idea. To be together.

"Even Thirteen cannot justify this unholy idea!" Prima continued.

"Unholy?" Thirteen questioned. "Really hitting that god talk aren't we." But then they turned to Nexus.

"Nexus, its a wonderful idea in concept but..."

" brings all our power together, our relics. Combines them." Nexus tried to explain. He'd expected critics against his idea, but Prima's words made even Thirteen's gentleness seem like an attack.

"Yes," Liege said as he touches his shoulder. "But we're all individuals. Weapons don't jave sparks or morals..."

"You have morals?" Solus said.

"But, if Unicron ever reawakened, having one ultimate weapon of our power would gain us a sure victory. With no casualties." Nexus argued.

"But imagine some power hungry bot getting such power."

At that, Solus craned her head towards Liege, who craned his head towards Prima, who craned his head at Megatronus, who only looked down at himself.

Disregarding his siblings' thoughts on each other, Nexus understood the issues with his idea to combine all their relics.

He would just have to find another way to protect them. Any way.

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