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Two months later. Mia/Nexus has been M.I.A since the desert.
New York City, USA.

New York City. Ground zero for things from alien invasions, to time-traveling monsters, to Ronin crime lords seeking revenge, to a mutagen bomb.

Also the home of twins Bata and Alex and their friends the ninja turtles.

A 14-year-old driving a motorcycle was defiantly illegal. But everything about the twins was.

Legally, neither of them existed. Their parents never made them birth certificates. So one more illegal thing about her wasn't a big deal.

Her mutant moth twin Alex. similarly illegal, disagreed.

"What if a cop sees you?" He asked as he flew above her.

"Uh, I'd be more worried about myself bro." She rolled her eyes.

"He's right you know!" Someone shouted from a rooftop.

Bata's eyes cut to the four turtles running on the roof, followed by two humans.

"Get off my back!" Bata sped up, laughing.

Bata had come to know the dark streets of New York better than most people knew the layout of their own house. Though to be fair, she remembered places where big things happened. There's the house Slash fell into while fighting Raph, where Leo also has tea parties. There's where Casey became a vampire. That was where she first met Karai, so on and so on.

And she knew everyone in this city.

She also, unfortunaly, knew traffic laws. So she stopped at a red light, allowing the people running on the roof to get ahead of her. Alex was nice enough to hover above and wait for her.

Apparently, someone had been waiting for that, as someone just appeared in front of the turtles three houses away.

"Mia?" Bata and Alex heard Mikey say.

They gasped.

The turtles had met Mia a few times now. But that was way before...

Bata and Alex shared a look.

"We need to get up there. Now!"

"Thought you didn't like the city?" Raph yelled to the figure on the building across from them.

Unlike usual, Mia didn't respond to the banter. Mia notoriously hated cities, New York in particular. She liked all the mutants and alien invasions,  just not the human crowds.

Mia looked...different. Her armor was up, stopping at her neck so her face was revealed, and it wasn't yellow. It was now a pale green that almost seemed to glow. And she had added a cape? A cape made of bronze metal gears and fake fur outlining it?

"Nice outfit." Raph said sarcastically.

Mia still didn't respond, but simply walked forward, staring at them with dead eyes and a wicked smile.

"Mia?" Leo asked in concern, just as Alex flew onto the roof, carrying Bata, whose family sword was unsheathed.

"Not Mia!" She corrected.

Suddenly, Mia jumped the wide gap between the two buildings. "Finally someone gets it right!"

Her voice sounded the same, but it was like someone else was talking. Her voice wasn't monotone, but varied in pitches, like she was pretending to be someone else.

"See, last time, everyone called me Mia. Which I'm not." Mia looked at her hands, which were encased in armor. "Its Nexus, thank you very much."

"Who?" April questioned, looking at Bata and Alex.

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