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Nexus always felt noticed around Thirteen and Alchemist.

Of course, the others, except Prima, always made him feel like that.

But Thirteen and Alchemist were always interested in his theory and mechanics of combination.

And psyche.

"So," Thirteen observed. "With you, your combined components have their own personalities, but you are the dominant, even when not combined."

"Correct!" Nexus was giddy.

"Hmm, if some of our creations have this ability, I suggest it be the other way around." They suggested.

Alchemist raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Imagine building a being to decombine and have separate personalities." Thirteen explained. "Wouldn't it be easier to make ones that are separate to begin with and combine."

"But the dominant identity..." Nexus began.

"A whole new one would be made."

"Why not skip over personalities entirely?" A voice from the doorway said.

Quintus stood there. Everyone treated him like the baby of the primes for his insecure and innocent ways.

Thirteen gasped in horror."Personalities make a person, more than any physical form."

"But the chaos of identities, personalities, thoughts, and feelings are extremely hard to create and control." Quintus pointed out.

"Control?" Thirteen questioned. "We are creators, not controllers."

"But to have order..."

"You talk with Prima too much." Alchemist shook his head.

The room became silent. It was fair to say only Vector and Trion were on Prima's side, and Trion reluctantly.

"Let's not talk of order in a discussion of creation. Those 2 things do not go well together." Thirteen advised.

Nexus nodded as he brought out his relic: the enigma of combination.

"Maybe not all of them should be able to combine. Like how only one of us can combine." Nexus pointed to himself.

Thirteen laughed. "An interesting idea."

"That would entail certain mental and physical capabilities to certain bots..." Alchemist thought aloud. "Verity in a species is good."

Quintus seemed in deep thought as well.

"Can the enigma not simply give the power and any upgrades needed?" He asked nervously.

Nexus smiled. "Of course. It also strengths mental resolve."

"I believe we are getting ahead of ourselves." Alchemist warned. "We don't even have a design to upgrade."

"But you and I both know the future excites more than the present." Thirteen gave a secret smile.

A stab of envy went though Nexus. Not the fact that Alchemist and Thirteen could see into the future, but that it gave them a special connection.

"So," he began. "Have you two heard about Megatronus and Solus's latest date?"

Thirteen looked at him hungrily. They were a big Megatronus x Solus shipper.

Quintus looked up curiously. "Should we incorporate that into our creations? Love?"

"Which kind?" Thirteen asked.

"Um...all of it."

"How do we incorporate love?" Nexus questioned.

"Well, we know family love pretty well." Thirteen laid out. "You, Solus, Megatronus, and Onyx cover the romance..."

"But we need bodies to hold all these things!" Quintus interjected.

As Thirteen and Quintus became locked in another battle of souls vs bodies (who cared what came first), Nexus stroked his relic and smiled at his siblings.

No matter their issues, no matter Prima's prejudice and Liege's lies, Nexus loved his family.

He would do anything for them.

He didn't see Alchemist looking at him in concern.

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