"Thanks, Rukia," Lianna hovered until the spikes went down, then she landed again. In front of them lie two passageways.

"Let's split up. Rukia and I will go this way, while Renji and Ichigo, you two go that way," Lianna divided them, and Ichigo followed by Renji slid off of Lianna's back.

"Don't die, meet us outside in an hour. Understood?" Lianna lowered her head to their level, she didn't want to lose them right when she started getting attached. Ichigo patted her snout.

"Don't worry, we are strong. We'll live and I bet we'll beat you back!" Ichigo laughed a bit. Lianna nodded and the two groups went their own ways. Lianna had shrunk her size down, so small Rukia had to walk but they walked together.

"I wonder what we'll find down here. Ancient secrets? War and battle plans?" Lianna sniffed the air, then she paused.

"Someone is coming," Lianna bared her teeth and Rukia put a hand on her sword. From the shadows came a girl. She was as tall as Toshiro Hitsugaya, and she carried a sword on her back. The girl just glared at them, her eyes flashing a deep red in the torch-light.r

"Who are you?!" Rukia said, her voice strong and confident.

"Who am I? Who are YOU? I have done nothing wrong..." The girl drew her sword, whispered something, and her blade changed into a blade made of...Water.

"Dribble... Mizu no seirei!" The girl smirked.

"Oops, I guess I have done something wrong," She waved her sword once, and waves of water came crashing down from the walls. They engulfed Lianna and Rukia, rendering them unable to defend themselves.

"Aw, such a pity," The girl kept waving her sword. What she didn't expect though, was Lianna using her wings to propel herself towards the girl. When Lianna broke the water's surface, she latched her teeth onto the girl's arm.

"DUMB WHITE BEAST!" The girl tried shaking Lianna off, but ended up losing focus and freeing Rukia. Rukia pulls out her beautiful white Zanpakutō and uses it's ice attacks. The girl finally shakes Lianna off, then she runs into the shadows. Lianna and Rukia follow her, but they end up in another large, open room.

"Are those YOUR friends fighting my brother? I sure hope not, because they will die at his hands," The girl opened her arms, sword in hand. From behind her came another reaper, it was a boy, and his blade was already drawn. The blade of his Zanpakutō was gone, possibly invisible. He swung his arm, and as he did, a huge gust of wind knocked over Rukia, but Lianna held on.

"What is this? The one the master told us about? Then we shall have the pleasure of killing her...And her friends!" The boy laughed evilly.

"Oh come now, you know the master will want us to bring her to him before she dies. Surely you remember," The girl glared at the boy, who scoffed.

"Whatever, lets get 'em!" The boy yelled as he slammed Lianna and Rukia to the ground with the wind. Rukia froze the water currents used by the little girl, and Lianna blasted her fire at the boy, who got up and hopped on her back. Lianna shook her body violently to get him off, and as soon as he hit the floor, he was pelted with flames. When the flames withdrew, all that was left of him... were ashes. The girl covered her mouth, her eyes began burning bright with hatred.

"You'll pay for this!" The girl yelled as loud as she could, waving her sword and creating waves of water from all sides. Her one sword turned into two, and the waves became more vicious. Rukia did her best holding her ice together but the waves became too strong for her to handle.

"Rukia! Hold on!" Lianna went as fast as she could over to Rukia, who grabbed onto Lianna's back and held tight. Lianna roared under the water, the shadows underneath her swaying madly. They went unnoticed through the water towards the girl, grabbing hold of her own shadow. The girl was forced to drop her Zanpakutō, as she hung there, held up by the shadows controlled by Lianna's own mind.

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