Trouble Ahead

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The Big Top was empty, apart from Error who never left the sound booth, by the time Cross finished practicing for the weekends show. He placed the knives back to the supply closet.

The tent was filled with a familiar tune – as per usual. Cross had memorised the song's lyrics years ago and was now humming along quietly.

He headed towards the flap, but stopped as it was opened by someone else from the outside. The skeleton who stepped in was one who Cross could recognise immediately despite having never met him before. After the first skeleton walked another one. Cross felt his blood run cold.

The latter skeleton was one who Cross had met before, but he looked nothing like he used to. All the light had drained from his eye lights. He looked more like a doll than a person. It made Cross feel sick to his nonexistent stomach.

"Hello there! I don't think we have met before, so you must be a new performer!" the first skeleton said, a cocky smirk on his lips. "My name is Swad, and this is Mare," he introduced them, offering his hand out.

"Cross," Cross answered, shaking his hand. Unlike Swad, Cross didn't fail to notice how Mare stiffed at his name.

"Ah, Cross, nice to meet you! My brother and I are here for a visit. We just wanted to come see how this circus is doing," Swad explained, snaking an arm around Mare's waist, pulling him close. "Tell me, what kind of a performer are you? Can you give us a little show?" he asked, tipping his skull, smirk never dying from his face.

"I'm a knife thrower," Cross answered, ignoring the last question.

"How lovely! Why don't you show us what you've got?" Swad suggested, raising a browbone. Cross didn't fail to notice how close his fingers were sneaking to Mare's crotch.

"I was actually about to head out, the curfew is coming soon.." Cross tried to excuse himself out of the situations. He already knew that Swad was bad news.

"Tell me, what would the Ringmaster say if he found out that you had declined a request from his most important guest?" Swad wondered out loud, "Guess will have to find out!"

Cross gritted his teeth, "Fine.. I'll do it.." he decided. His previous punishment had already been way too humiliating, he didn't want to find out what other ones Nightmare had up his sleeve.

"Perfect! We'll sit down and watch!" Swad hummed, taking a seat and pulling Mare onto his lap. The way his hand moved to massage his thighs made Cross want to vomit. Mare didn't even flinch at the touch. He just sat there, emotionless and in that moment Cross knew that Swad had broken him.


     Cross watched as the 19-year-old washed the dishes, humming to himself. He felt bad for not being able to help, but getting up would most likely result with him throwing up.

"Hey, you don't need to do that," he told the younger, leaning his side against the back of the sofa to look over into the kitchen.

"Someone needs to do it, and I doubt that you'll be able to," Mare answered. He didn't seem to be at all bothered.


"And this gives me an excuse to stay away from home," Mare added, cutting Cross off, "I don't feel like dealing with Swad on the moment. He's started acting more and more weird.." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean?" Cross asked, furrowing his browbones. He had heard a lot of Mare's brother, but had never met him. (Apparently it was better that way.)

"He's been a lot more touchy lately.. It's making me a bit uncomfortable.." the younger explained, avoiding eye contact.

"He's what?" Cross snapped. Mare flinched at his angry tone, making Cross wince, giving him an apologising look.

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