The Big Top

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Chara finally passed out from all the crying and Cross tucked them into their bed. He quietly hummed a familiar lullaby, feeling them calming down.

The bell by the flap rang, catching his attention. Was Killer back, he wondered. But the aura outside didn't resample Killer's, it was way more colder.

Cross stood up and walked to the flap, opening it to see Nightmare. He was taken aback by the sight of the Ringmaster.

"Come with me, won't you?" the Ringmaster said, and stepped aside to let Cross step out of the tent. "I will inform Killer that I have taken you," he continued and began walking. Cross hesitatedly followed.

"Is there something you want from me, Ringmaster.?" he asked, feeling kinda scared. He had already heard a lot of bad about the Ringmaster.

"You are more interesting than I thought," Nightmare said, flashing him a mysterious smirk. "That child has been here for almost two years and I have never seen anyone get that much negativity out of them at once. It has been very annoying to know that they have a lot of negativity they could release, but now, thanks to you, I finally got to enjoy that."

Cross could feel chills going down his spine. The thought that everyone's negativity fed the Ringmaster terrified him. It was no longer unclear why Nightmare would make the place feel like Hell. He needed them to suffer so he could feel good.

"Are you afraid?" Nightmare taunted, tilting his head enough to see Cross walking behind him. Cross didn't answer, he knew lying wouldn't do anything as the other was able to feel his negative feelings, and he didn't feel like telling the truth either.

       Nightmare pushed open his tent flap and let Cross into the tent before him. Cross didn't exactly feel safe walking into the same tent as the protector of negative feelings, but he didn't really have other choices.

"By now you have probably heard them say a lot of things about me, haven't you?" Nightmare asked with slight amusement in his voice. He looked at Cross with his cyan eye.

"I have heard a few things, I won't lie.." Cross admitted with a nod, keeping his eyes on the floor. Nightmare chuckled darkly.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you. I'm your Ringmaster, you have to show me respect," he warned. Cross immediately lifted his head.

"I'm sorry, Ringmaster!" he apologized firmly. Nightmare seemed taken aback, he hadn't expected that kind of answer.

"You know how to obey orders it seems like. How interesting~! You are definitely something new," Nightmare said. His enchanting tone was sending more chills down Cross' spine. "But why would someone like you come to a place like this?" Nightmare wondered out loud, tilting his head.

Cross stayed quiet, he wanted to look away, but that would be breaking the Ringmaster's order. He tried to think of a reason that he could tell.

"You see," Nightmare sang, leaning closer to Cross. "That useless little child hasn't let anyone else close to them in the whole two years they've been here. They were abandoned by their parents after an accident that led to their brother's death. They have a lot of grief inside them for that," – he let his tentacles slip under Cross' chin – "But won't let anyone know. They met you just today and you've already gotten them to reveal their feelings to you." Nightmare paused and glanced at Cross in the eyes with his haunting smirk on his teeth.

"I wonder what they see in you. Why did they trust you like that? What do you have that no one else here has?" Cross kept his eyes in Nightmare, but didn't answer. "I have seen everyone trying to get close to them. Geno didn't succeed, neither did Ccino. They are both kind and gentle. Lust was no help either. Blue keeps trying everyday, but it doesn't work." Nightmare circled around him, examining him as if he was looking for something that would give him the answer.

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