Chapter 21- Bad Idea

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"Do you want my help." The question was said with underlying hope. It lifted Y\N's spirits slightly. Her head tilted in slight confusion as she stared at the interior of the bathroom. How lavish it seemed.

"Do you.." her words caught in her throat as she realized the vague implications of his question. Y\N could feel her face grow warm. "Do you want to.. help me clean up? I don't want to be a burden to you."

Kuro took both her hands in his, bringing them up to kiss. "I swore to take care of you, whatever that entails I will do with enthusiasm."

A laugh escapes her at last. "You? Enthusiastic?" She grins, finding a spark of joy at the light-hearted tease.

"Only in private. Only with you in my grasp." He leans in to kiss her once more before smiling into it and separating.

Y\N took a moment to get her nerves under control. "Be.. gentle with me..." averting her E\C gaze to the floor she turns to close the door but is stopped.

"No one can see us in here. I think it would be in your best interest to keep the door open." His stoicism and modest movements made his true intentions difficult to read but Y\N nodded, feigning an understanding.

As Kuro busied himself to get the bath running to a comfortable temperature Y\N untied and unbuttoned the many layers of her outfit. Trembling hands made the task a bit difficult. Scowling at the fabric that imprisoned her the expression melts quickly to embarrassment as Kuro began to help her undress.


Her eyes were trained on how nimble and fast his fingers worked the knots and stripped her, and how delicate he was while doing it. The way he moved around her without pushing her or prodding her body for his own pleasure, it was tender and loving the way his fingers graced her flesh at the removal of the base layer, leaving Y\N in her F\C bra and matching panties.

Crimson orbs flicker up to acknowledge his name being called.

"... Your touch.. doesn't have to be so modest."

The statement stood on its own for a moment as it is processed. With a nod he steps back to allow space for the other to step closer to the bath. Y\N stood still, staring at him to see if he was going to act on any impulse. The two were in private after all. After a few seconds she knew she'd have to show him what she meant, or at least show him that it was safe.

Smiling she took a step forward. "I can tell that you have been undressing me with your eyes since I put that dress on."

Her words seemed to have caught him off guard as his avoidant stare makes its way back to her face. A pink color dusted across his own face, he was straining to keep himself in check which made Y\N laugh to herself.

"You really are cute sometimes." She mumbles, more to herself than to him. Turning away to face the bath tub her hands reach behind her back to unclip her bra but she is stopped as sudden skin contact made her jump. Y\N didn't even hear Kuro move, his stealth was definitely impressive.

Hands being pulled away, her body is forced around as the gentle lips that have met hers aren't as gentle anymore. Staring ahead, fierce crimson is all she sees as Kuro finally gives into his desires. Y\N put aside her insecurities and kissed back, opening her mouth and brushing her tongue along his lips. As the kiss deepened Y\N closed her eyes, putting full trust into Kuro to take the lead.

Unclipping her bra for her, his hands delicately explored her body starting by groping at her breasts. Once satisfied with squeezing at her, one hand remained in position to rub a thumb around her nipple to stimulate it while his other hand drifted down to her hip where it rested. Breaking from the kiss with a string of saliva connecting the two's mouths, Y\N huffed for breath as she was finding it difficult due to how hard her heart was beating in anticipation of Kuro's next move. It was exciting, and though her body ached from all the injuries she has faced the warmth that grew between her thighs was a nice distraction.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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