Chapter 18- Mask

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CW:\\: Unsettling content.


"Your code name from this point onward will be Cleft Moreau. You are to remain in France for the time being and infiltrate anything to do with the revolution in Paris. Keep an eye on the Bastille. We have caught wind that an opposing group of rioters are to strike."

The man now deemed as Cleft Moreau took hold of the file containing the mission he is to complete. Flipping through his eyes skip through the gist of the information he needs to know of.

"Eventually we would like you to go to the Rhine and observe how the German soldiers have organized themselves. Do you think you can handle this?" The woman who was in charge of the department stared down at him.

The Order of the Key was a notariously vicious organization, both to those they rivaled against but to its own members. Betrayal was not an option unless you had a death wish, and a humiliating one at that. The benefits out weighed the danger in Clefts personal opinion. He needs this job to protect those that had forgotten him long ago, but he still cares greatly for. In exchange for their safety he would risk everything.

Peering over the file with a sneer he muttered under his breath, "I do not have a choice." Putting the file in his lap Cleft looks up at his superior who tilted her head to the side.

"Time is of the essence." A pride is held in her voice. Shaking her hand with a firm grip, Cleft exits the room.


Dark red silk dressed and properly poised, a woman sits alone in the corner of the Little Temple Bar. Her sharp E\C hued eyes scanning the room to show she is expecting company. She is young, new to this line of work as is present at the approach of Cleft Moreau.

"Mademoiselle Rosaline?"

She squints her eyes up at the larger man, older than her by about twenty five years. His light brown hair had streaks of grey through it, like cinnamon and sugar.

"Mister Moreau?" She questions up at him with a faltering French accent.

With a nod he sits across from her, taking note at how her eyes never leave him with each movement he makes. It is bizarre that this is the agent they sent for such an important job. The revolution against French monarchy has found itself in a stalemate and has faltered out for the time being but German soldiers still invade and slaughter those imposing them.

"Do you speak French?" Cleft asks quietly as to not pressure her.

"Hm.. Oh! Yes. I am still knowing." She responds in the language and fidgets with her hands at the expression her companion makes in response. Thinking she perks up and quickly corrects herself. "Learning... My apologies."

The smile she gives eases Cleft slightly. Even with her clumsy excuse for French, that is still marked with an American accent, Rosaline seems charismatic. She will quickly learn that charming people will only get you so far.

"Practice and you will be able to speak clearly. Now, you are aware of what is to happen correct?"

"Yes. I am. I have actually been scoping out while I waited for you." She smiles once more, eyes flickering over his left shoulder before looking back to stare him in the eyes.

"And you are certain that is the target?"

"Yes. There are certain mannerisms that can not be hidden."

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