Chapter 7- Disregarded

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Trigger Warning:\\: Content Warning:\\: Explicit- Contents contain topics that can make one feel uncomfortable. If you are unsettled please skip to the end of this chapter for a more safely worded summary.


"How should I repay you then?" Y\N forced the words to part from her lips that quivered. Whether it was due to terror or the sudden icy draft that filled the room was up to interpretation.

Her wide eyes watched him lean forward, letting go of her hair and now placing his hand against her cheek.

"With your body."

The color that once occupied Y\N's flustered face left all at once, leaving her as if she saw a ghost.

"Please don't touch me-" Y\N began to protest but found herself rudely cut off by his lips on hers. The taste of nicotine and alcohol present making her want to gag.

Francois moved closer and in doing so shifted his hands down towards her waistline. His lips separated from hers, a glare was all Y\N could see as she trembled beneath his much bigger form. Y\N's eyes were nearly as wide as a tarsier*, pulling her arms in failed attempts of freeing herself.

"Please don't Francois." She tried again to plead with him. Y\N shivered as she felt his touch slide under her shirt towards her breasts. "You are better than this. I know you are." Y\N stared at him intensely, hoping that it would break through to him.

"Monsters have no morals and I am voracious*." Francois whispered next to her ear. His breath was warm and heavy, it too carried a strong scent of nicotine. He was a heavy smoker after all.

"You are not a monster!" Y\N stated firmly but was ignored as she was bombarded with another kiss, this time with empty passion as she felt something enter her mouth.


Y\N tried to shrink back and thrashed slightly but that only causing the exchange to get more sloppy. His fingers brushed against her ribcage as the man lifted the chained girls shirt up. Meanwhile Francois moved so he was now on top of Y\N, unbuttoning her jeans as the two broke away for air. Y\N breathed heavily and rapidly, panic filled her system. She had to escape somehow as talking to him is not panning out too well.

"You are a shallow and filthy man Bonnefoy." Y\N's once fearful expression changed to one of undesirable anger.

'How could anyone be so foul?'

"Speak like that if you wish Rosaline, but I have already heard every fucking insult imaginable from women like you." He matched her glares intensity before continuing to speak. "But that mouth of yours may become a problem."

His tone of voice sent chills up her spine. Francois stood, getting off of Y\N before exiting the room. Y\N quickly looked around once again but was unable to find anything of use as the room was still shrouded in darkness.

'Was it night?'

The blonde scruffy male returned shortly holding something beside him. Y\N didn't bother to look as she could take a guess at what it was.

"Francois, what will the others think. What about Oliver and Allen... and what about Matt." Y\N gave an extra effort to talk to him and it seemed to have stalled him for a mere amount of time.

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