Chapter 14- New Invention

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CW:\\: Contents can be unsettling to some readers. Contains themes of harm.


"Y\N! It has been ages since I have seen you last! My, how you have grown!" A higher pitched masculine voice carrying excitement rang out. "However, what have they done to you?"

Y\N stared at the flashy brother to Luciano, Flavio. He wore a white designer suit and a red scarf was draped around his shoulders. Rose tinted glasses hiding his fuchsia eyes framed by bottle blonde fringe. Flavio was pale in complexion and his body was lean in build. And here she was, nude body barely covered by a shirt and jacket, ropes draped around her, H\C hair messy and ratted, along with tears staining her cheeks.

"Take a guess.." Y\N muttered under her breath.

"Luci, did you do this to our dear friend?" Flavio looked to his younger brother who was stood with arms crossed next to him.

"I told you not to call me that." Luciano grumbled, straining to hold back his frustration.

"Y\N, do not fret I will be sure to dress you in lavish clothing while you stay here." His hands reached out to hold hers in a reassuring manner.

"...thank you. At least you have courtesy towards others." She turned her head to the side to stare at Lutz.

With a laugh Flavio extended his arms, "You three leave me to my work. I will send her back once she is presentable!"


Tolerating the touching through clenched teeth, Y\N patiently waited for Flavio to take her measurements and note them down. She did as instructed such as lifting her arms to get the wingspan.

She was thankful for this moment of bliss from the ropes. Red marks were wrapped around her arms and legs at this point, ugly and sore to the touch. Flavio commented briefly on them but seeing as Y\N shrunk down on herself at mention he dropped the topic, suggesting ways to heal them once she was let go.

If she is let go.

"It will take me a day or two to make you something custom but until then I have some old clothes I have been meaning to get rid of if you would like to cover up more. I find it repulsive they have left you in this state for so long." He rolled up his top lip in disgust before smiling again.

A second passed before Y\N cleared her throat. "About that, how long has it been?"

"Oh I guess that's right, you were unconscious when you first arrived." Flavio paused to think. "It has been about seven hours, but Luciano was telling me it took about a full day to get here. So, nearly 31 hours. Give or take."

'31 hours!?! It feels like it's only been 5! Gods, I am exhausted.'

"Do not stare into space as if you see a ghost, it's creeping me out." He tapped the side of Y\N's face lightly to take her from her thoughts.

"Right, sorry. Thank you for telling me. No one has been telling me anything. It's refreshing that you are being kind and humoring me."

"You know Y\N, Luciano doesn't really need you. None of them do." The blonde began to draw a basic body shape onto his notepad, not bothering to look up as he spoke to her.

" I was told by Lutz. You guys are getting infor-mation from other sources." Her voice was meek, pained as her breathing hitched.

"Doesn't that make you even more curious though?" Flavio looked up from his paper as he drew the out line of a dress. His bright pink eyes peering over the edge of his designer shades.

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