"Just know I didn't intentionally plan on doing this. The pregnancy just kinda happened because, you know Wardell-"

"No, I don't know." Sydel cut me off. "I would like to keep it that way."

"Life is gonna be weird for a while but we'll get used it eventually." Wardell says with optimism in his voice.

"Can't believe Ayesha, though." Sydel shakes her head. "That was the last thing I would expect from her."

"Well, you can never fully know a person." I said, quoting what Klay said that one time.

We spoke for a minute, filling Sydel in on the baby and Wardell wanting me to name her after him.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" We hear some commotion from downstairs.

"I hope that nigga Draymond isn't fighting anyone." Wardell jokes as we make our way downstairs. Everyone stares at us intensely as we cascade down the steps.

"What's going on?" I asked. Gia, Tiana and Draymond looked between themselves.

"Y'all not gonna talk?" Wardell asked beside me.

"I don't know how to say this, but..." Gia started but takes a long pause, which made me nervous. What could've happened to render them silent like this?

"Bitch, if you don't open your mouth!"

Gia sighed deeply before speaking. "Your store was burglarised 20 minutes ago. Lori just called to let us know."

"What the fuck?" I closed my eyes, trying to comprehend what Gia just said. My store? Burglarised?

"The police are on the scene-"

"We have to get over there now." I cut her off and began to frantically look for my purse.

"You're staying here. It could be dangerous." Wardell tried to reason but I wasn't tryna hear any of that.

"This is what I worked my entire life for. You must be crazy if you think I'll staying here!"

We can never just have peace, some bullshit always has to go down.

Wardell, Klay, Sydel, Gia, Kevin and Draymond followed behind me as we reached the cars. Wardell walked up next to me and grabbed the keys out of my hand.

"Let me drive at least." He said. I obliged and handed him the keys. Klay got into the car with us. I was too furious to care about this love triangle at the moment.

Later On.

The usual 15 drive was completed in 5 after I threatened Wardell's life a few times. Now was not the time for him to be acting like a noble citizen.

When I laid my eyes on the damage, I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. All my hard work! I had to carefully walk through the glass on the floor since the whole front glass door was shattered. Clothes were missing from the racks. When I reached my office upstairs, it was torn apart. All the pictures of family and friends were broken and so were some of the appliances around the staff common area.

"Who would do something like this?" Gia's eyes wondered over all of the carnage.

"We all know who did this!" I yelled causing everyone's attention to be on me now. "She did this!" I repeated.

"Ally, the officer said it was 2 armed men who did this." Wardell said.

"Oh, come on!" I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Don't fucking defend her!"

"I'm not defending her!"

"Can someone tell me what hell is going on?" Draymond asked while looking between Wardell and I.

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