Chapter 70: Erin POV

Start from the beginning

She also kind of forget the fact no one would care if I dropped dead to the ground. I stabbed moodily at my potatoes with the fork at the side of the plate. I wasn't hungry.

I heard a thud and looked up to see Scott smacking his head off of the table.

"I have a feeling that was because of me—" I started, pursing my lips as he lifted his head to glare at me.

"Oh, I wonder why?" He shot back sarcastically. "Just eat the damn food, please."

I mumbled a few unheard protests underneath my breath, before reluctantly stabbing one of the cubed potatoes a bit more violently than necessary and shoving it into my mouth. It was delicious, but there was no way in hell I was going to admit that.

As the dinner went on I caught snippets of the other's conversation, specifically one between Scott and Katherine.

"...well yeah I kind of wanted to get her to talk to somebody..." came my brother's voice, slightly hushed but just loud enough for me to hear him and distinguish what he was saying through that annoyingly thick accent.

"Like...a therapist?" The fairy queen's voice replied. Why did I have the sneaking suspicion they were talking about me?

"Well, that may not go so well- you know how she is." Scott sighed.

"Hm. You know, my sister Lavender is actually training to be a physical as well as a mental therapist." Katherine suggested. "She's about as old as Erin, maybe they could talk?"

What now? Hell nah—

"I mean...what can go wrong?" Scott said in answer, and I could hear the small hint of sarcasm. Everything. Everything was going to go wrong.

I watched as Katherine got up, whispering something in the blonde teen's ear which I connected the dots to assume that this was Lavender. I watched as the girl's blue eyes flicked toward me for a moment, and for the few seconds we made eye contact, I made sure to give her a furious glare.

She then looked back at her sister with an expression that said, 'you sure?'

But just at that moment I felt my own brother's cold hand on my shoulder. "C'mon we're going to go to the living room for a bit," he began, before glancing down at my barely touched plate of food. "And you're taking that with you."

"Ugh," I grumbled, getting to my feet, and grabbing the plate off the table. "Why?"

"Because." Was his only answer as he led me out the door and towards the living room I had run into the others in earlier before my shower. Scott sat me down on the seat, and I put my plate down on the coffee table between the two white couches facing each other.

"I don't like this." I said, giving my brother a look.

"You don't like anything."

Fair enough. 

I scoffed, leaning back against the couch as I crossed my arms over my chest, bouncing my leg impatiently.

A few minutes later, Katherine and the girl called Lavender entered the room. Lavender cautiously sat down on the couch opposite me, folding her hands in her lap in an obnoxious, formal way. Katherine, on the other hand, went to stand beside Scott, just out of my sight.

I rolled my eyes, kicking my feet up onto the coffee table as I glared at her.

"So..." she started, glancing up at her sister as if for confirmation that she had to do this. "What's your name?"

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