Christmas Visitors

Start from the beginning

I suddenly realized that I looked like a madwoman in my trousers and carrying an axe, and darted over to the porch to set the axe down. Liz looked over the railing at me, "Ah, you're still wearing trousers?" Oscar was grinning at my growing distress, and I backed away from the both of them. James, coming back out from taking something inside, gave me a smirk as he took in what I was wearing. Oh God, everyone was going to see me in Will's trousers.

I looked to the door and darted for it, "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting guests. I'll go change."

Lights, back with Will, called out. "Don't go change on my account!" If I thought I would be safe once I got inside, I would have been dead wrong. Waiting in the parlor, with a fire roaring, was everyone else. The Fields, the girls all bundled up, the elder Vanderbilts and Mother. All of them looking right at me. I paused in a moment of indecision, should I greet them or run, but then rushed upstairs and slammed the door behind me. I cursed as I tried to get the buttons undone on the trousers, Will was able to get them off so quickly!

Instead I threw a skirt on over them, and leaned back against the door to prevent anyone coming in until I got them off. Shortly, a light knock sounded and Will's amused voice came through the door. "Ana, are you in there?" I opened the door for just a minute, shutting it just as quickly once he was inside. He took in the sight for a moment, me standing before him with my skirt tucked into its waistband while I struggled with his trousers. "Whatever are you doing?"

I let out a growl as yet another fly button escaped my grasp. "I'm trying to get these things off before everyone remembers they saw me in them!"

"You usually don't have a problem unbuttoning my trousers."

"Very funny, now will you help?"

He stepped forward, his fingers sure on the buttons. "Generally it helps to take your shoes off first." I grumbled, but managed to toe off my boots while he attended to the trousers. Without any suspenders they fell right off, and I gratefully let the skirt drop down while I stepped out. Will still kept his hands under my skirt, and traced his fingers over my waist. "You know, we could keep them all waiting for a bit."

"Later," I stepped forward, kissing his cheek. "And I can put the trousers back on, if you like."

"You know I do." Will grinned, taking my arm once I had slid my feet into a pair of slippers. "Now, shall we go figure out what the hell they're all doing here?" By the time we had made it back downstairs, everyone had gathered in the parlor and it had been utterly transformed. Our small Christmas tree had been brought in and stood up in a corner, more lamps and candles had been lit, presents had been piled on every available surface and everyone seemed to be quite content to sit near the fire and talk.

Aside from the children, who were running rampant through the house and being chased by a barking Rigel.

I gave them all a smile, stepping around them before addressing the crowd. "What are you all going here?"

Mother stood, coming to embrace me. "I thought you might like to have Christmas with your family and friends." She looked over her shoulder, "It took a little time, I know we have only a few days until Christmas itself but you would not have believed how long it took to arrange everything."

Richard Vanderbilt sighed, "I had to purchase two boxcars to get the horses and carriages down here!"

"And we had to go shopping." Light stood, coming to stand behind Sylvie and freeing up a place for me to sit. "I was all set for a nice bit of leave, and then I get a letter with five first class tickets to New York." He rolled his eyes as I sat next to his wife, admiring the little bundle cradled in her arms. "And then we get here and it's all shopping and packing until we're sent here." He leaned over, ruffling Mavis's hair. "At least we can get some rest now."

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