Chapter 28: 'Friends Don't Flirt'

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Mystic Falls, 1864

An unsuspecting carriage trudged through the woods on a cold misty night. The coach started to slow down at the image of a damsel in distress.

"Please! Please help us!"

The delicate looking woman cried as she ran towards them.

Her doe like chestnut eyes bore into their souls as she explained, "Please! My husband, he's been hurt. Please help him."

The coach immediately jumped from his seated position to come to their aid by running to the unresponsive man who was laying down on the ground, flat on his back.

The brunette turned to the man who just walked out of the carriage doors he quickly pushed open.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's not safe."

"No, sir," She agreed with the gentleman, her face slowly started to darken, "It's not safe."

Fully vamped out with dark veins that ran down her once pouting face, she flashed him her sharp fangs with a hiss.

Immediately pouncing on the man, she bit into his throat, draining him of blood as he started to sink to the ground. He let out a yell and she speedily snatched him away, hiding the body behind the carriage.

The coach arose from his squatted position over the woman's 'husband's' form in curiosity at the noise, but didn't see anything to be found when he turned to it. Turning back around, he saw the woman with a now demonic expression as blood dripped down the lower half of her face.

Pouncing on him as well, she ignored his cries as she feasted on him. A few seconds later he was dead and she nonchalantly pushed his body to the ground.

Blinking away her true face, Katherine turned back to the man on the ground who had dutifully played a part in her hunt.

"And that's how it's done."

Damon rolled off of his back as he slowly started to rise, his eyes gazed over almost fearfully at the scene, "What happens to the bodies?"

"We'll take them into the woods and the other animals will finish them off."

The words 'the other animals' were concerning, but clearly not concerning enough for him to accept the weight of them.

He gave her a strange look as he assesses her off putting form.

She tilted her head at the clear hesitation in his eyes, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

He nodded with a noncommittal smile, "I'm ready, I want you to turn me."

"When it's time," She decided before looking at him eagerly, "Kiss me."

He hastily pulled out a handkerchief from his left breast pocket, the moment it came close to her face, she held down his hand to stop him.

"You should get a taste." She said lustfully, leaning in.

Not expecting the sudden movement, his face nervously cringes away, making her stop.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, feeling cowardly about his reaction.

"Don't be, soon you won't be able to get enough."

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