Chapter 6: 'Impending Doom'

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Which basically consists of scaring the living hell out of his soon to be victims. He likes to set the scene for his hunt, and watches as his prey acts accordingly.

"Hey, did you hear that?" The girl removes her lips from her boyfriend's as she tries to listen for an imaginary strange sound.

"Hear what?" The man asks in confusion and frustration at his girlfriend's antics when he would much rather resume their make out session.

"I heard thunder." Both listen out for any possible noises coming from outside of their cozy tent. He turns to her with a bored expression.

"There's no thunder."

"Are you sure?" Her eyebrows raise in concern, "Because if it rains, then we won't be able to see the comet."

"It's not gonna rain," He takes a second to look at her seriously with an expression of fondness, "Listen, you a little something. It's back in the car," He gives a playfully warning glare, "Don't you move."

He makes his way out of the warm space to venture outside into the cold misty air.

"Stay dry." She jokes.

"It's not gonna rain." He murmurs with a partial groan.

After her boyfriend zips up the tent she lies peacefully on her back as his footsteps fade further and further in the distance, her ears wide open.

Damon watches as the man walks away from the tent and makes his way to his vehicle, then pounces...

"Don't make a sound." He commands quietly to the naturally startled human.

The familiar rush of blood filling his veins as he sinks his teeth into the poor guy's jugular. Making sure to drain him in the messiest way possible, blood dripping everywhere, dressing him up to play the part of the deceased lover. He places the body over the branches of a tree situated right over the tent so that the blood can trickle down over it.

The girl slowly grins triumphantly as she hears a soft pitter patter from above the tent, "I knew it! I told you it was gonna rain!"

She quickly shuffles out of the tent with her flashlight shining in her tight grip. Confusion eclipses her expression as she awaits for rain drops to hit. She hears the sound that tipped her off in the first place coming from behind her. She slowly turns to face the tent again and sees a dark substance dripping all over it from above. She raises her flashlight towards the sky where the dead body of her boyfriend, that is drenched in blood, hangs limply from the branches entrapping his lifeless figure.

Her grip on the flashlight loosens as she lets out a scream and dashes instantly to the car. Panic sets in when the door she's forcefully pulling on appears to be locked.

"Open!" Another pull, "No! Please!"

Her screams are interrupted by the beeping of the remote that unlocks her car. She frantically searches around for the mysterious entity that seems to be screwing with her.

A bout of silence.

Another shriek escapes her as a horrifying image of demonic eyes and fangs jump onto her shaking body, pinning her to the ground. Damon kills her instantly with a quick rip at her throat, silencing her. He groans at the endless amount of blood escaping from her torn and shredded arteries that enter his mouth.

"Well," he releases his crushing hold on the corpse, "That should do it."

He licks the stained edges of his lips with his insatiable tongue and nonchalantly walks away from the gruesome scene.

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