Chapter 3: 'Coincidences Don't Exist'

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The warm weather that allows for less clothing and more skin; the occasional showers of rain and thunderstorms; the excuse to laze around and do nothing. That is why it deeply upsets him that he had to spend it in Mystic Falls. The town has some of his best memories, but also almost all of his worst ones too- so he tries to avoid it all together. But he has no choice, this isn't a trip for leisure, he is here for one reason and one reason only.

Katherine Pierce.

How can he even begin to describe Katherine Pierce? As his sire? As the woman he loves? The woman he's fought for? The woman he's spent over a century trying to free? His life's purpose?

He can't remember much of who he was before he met Katherine. He only remembers the following brief details that pretty much some up his entire human existence. He remembers how he barely cared about anything, besides his brother. How carefree he was and how he saw life as an adventure to be had. But, he also remembers how empty he felt, bored with every part of his reality. A void that left a vacant space inside of him, an itch he couldn't scratch.

Then...there she was, out of nowhere. He suddenly felt that he could be more than the disappointment his father always saw him as. She showed him how to enjoy the most out of life; to live a life of no rules; how to fill that void.

She taught him how to love.

Sure, Damon had gone out with women before, even fooled around a little, much to his father's dismay. But Katherine...she was different. She blew up his entire reality, that he had grown so bored of, and showed him what else life had to offer. He fell so hard and so quickly and it was all happening for the very first time. Suddenly everything was fresh and new, the possibilities were endless. That's how he felt with Kathrine Pierce, like anything was possible.

He has never known a feeling more appetising or fulfilling than what it felt like to be loved by her. Or at least what he considers as being loved by her. She had never officially said the words, but how could it not feel like love to her when that's all it was for him. Entirely true and undeniable love.

Now all that love and devotion is buried underground in a tomb along with the woman herself. He has to save her from her misery. He would save her from the pits of hell if he had to. He's willing to do whatever it takes and he's not gonna screw it up.

The steps are simple: Comet. Chrystal. Spell.

That's all he's been thinking about since he's been home, repeating it over and over again in his head. And yes, he realises that hunting carelessly and leaving a trail of dead bodies behind him just to torment his brother is probably not the distraction he needs right now, but he can't help it. The thought of him getting to move on with his life and start anew really sticks a thorn in his side. After all, he did promise him an eternity of misery. Ah yes, another reason he despises this shit hole. Not only are there memories of all the times he spent with Katherine, but there's also memories of all the times she wasn't with him...but with his brother instead.

So yes, he's been messily eating his way through Mystic Falls. The body count isn't high, but it's enough to attract attention and further furrow those brooding brows he knows all too well. Everything is going as planned, besides the happenings of some unexpected events.

Lying on the road, as he often does when waiting for unsuspecting prey, he was shocked to hear a voice so strikingly familiar. The smooth tan skin; the long dark hair with the exception of its straightness and the similar height. Everything was the same, but alas. It wasn't his one true love and the night only got weirder.

A girl, young and beautiful, nothing he hasn't seen before. But the voice at the back of his head wasn't having any of it. Not this one, not her.

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