Chapter 17: 'Sweet Tooth'

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Sitting in bed, she tries to wash away the past week from her memory. She gets up, body on autopilot, and gets what she needs to do done.
She showers; brushes her teeth; moisturises; does her hair and makeup; gets dressed and makes her bed in that exact order.

She tells herself that today is going to be a good day.

Full of artificial pep, she makes her way downstairs to her Grams standing over the stove.

"Eggs, bacon and sausage?" Her arms wrap around her grandmother, "You're in a good mood."

"You seem to be as well," A knowing snort, " 'Too bad that I've known you since the day you were born."

Sighing, she releases her grip and leans against the counter.

"What's wrong?" A concerned voice inquires.

"Nothing," Her Grams raises her eyebrows in disbelief, "It's just a lot, knowing the things I know. From here on out life will be different, I'm just adjusting."

Switching off the stove, the elder woman turns to her, "I didn't tell you too soon, did I? Would you rather we wait-"

"No," She shakes her head profusely, "I wanna know everything, no holding back. This is my life now."

A worn proud smile is directed at her as she goes to turn on the kettle.


Damon, with his feet put up on his brother's desk, reads the morning paper as the finally stable girl calls her brother on the phone with Stefan sitting in a chair opposite hers, eyebrows furrowing more than ever before.

"Matty?...Yeah, I'm okay...No, Matty. I just need some time to figure things out-Just know that I'm okay, okay? Please don't worry about me."

She gives the phone back to Stefan and immediately goes back to whining.

"I don't understand why I have to stay cooped up here? Why can't I go home?"

"Because you're changing, Vicky, and it's not something you wanna do alone."

Flipping the newspaper in annoyance at the unhelpful obituary section, he sighs, "There's nothing about that Logan guy I killed in here. Not a word," Grabbing the antique device off the desk to fiddle with in his hand, while he continues to skim read, "Someone's covering it up."

"What is that?" An agitated voice asks from their curled up position on a sofa chair.

"This is a very special, very old compass," He looks to his brother, "What was Logan Fell doing with it? Aren't you curious?"

"Well, if you're so worried that somebody's on to you, why don't you just leave town, Damon?"

"We should all be worried." He warns the other two vampires.

"Hey, um- I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Vicky moans again.

Stefan gets up to grab a mug off a side table and hands it to her, "Here."

"What is it?"

"It's what you're craving."

He lets out a humoured huff, "Don't lie to the girl. It's so not what you're craving, but it'll do in a pinch. Right Stef?"

"What is it?"

"Yeah, what is it? Is it skunk? St Bernard? Bambi?" He taunts unhelpfully.

"Go on, give it a try." His brother insists.

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