Chapter 48: Animosity and Resentment

Start from the beginning

Vermax, however, unlike Gaemon, determined Jacaerys to be neither threat nor prey. Once he heard the High Valyrian commands, he obediently crouched submissively.

The Dragonkeeper elder nodded. "Mmm. Sȳrī. (Well done.)" he told the young prince.

"Nice one, Jace," Viserys said.

Aegon the Younger nodded. "Not going to lie, I almost thought you wouldn't get Vermax to settle down," he seconded his twin's statement. He turned to Daeron. "You, on the other hand, I guess you need to work at it some more."

"Mmmm! I had it and you know it," Daeron puffed his cheeks angrily.

"Yeah, yeah. We all saw that 'performance'," Aegon the Elder yawned.


"Take it easy on him, uncle. He's seven. He's still learning," Viserys replied.

"Yeah, don't make him feel worse. At least he's trying," Aegon the Younger agreed.

Aemond ignored the chatter among his brother and nephews. Just wait. Soon, I'll have a dragon and you won't be laughing at me anymore. The prince stared down into the Dragonpit; the boy wondered how many were kept confined to their cages and how big they were. Whatever the case, Aemond was determined to claim a dragon. He wanted a big dragon like Vaelor, Vermithor, or even Vhagar. However, all his father told him whenever he complained was 'to be patient' or 'if not today, there's always tomorrow.' But if not now, when? Aemond was a prince of the Targaryen dynasty! He would not be left without one.

"Maghon hembar. (Bring out the next one.)" the Dragonkeeper elder said aloud.

More acolytes brought out the next juvenile dragon, Arrax – who was bonded to Lucerys. Being smaller than Vermax by at least three feet, he had pearlescent white scales and yellow eyes with a golden underside. Arrax boldly snapped at his chains as the Dragonkeeper warders held him at bay. "Kelīs! Pālēs! (Halt! Fall back!)" they strained.

"Arraks! (Arrax!)" Lucerys called out.

"Maghon ōtor. (Bring out the ram!)" the Dragonkeeper elder instructed his acolytes.

The sound of brays and hoofs galloping along the concrete ground soon reached everyone's ears. One, two, three... About five sheep were escorted to the chamber, tied by a rope, and brought to the other side of the chamber.

Corxes, Maelyx, Gaemon, Vermax, and Arrax – in near-perfect unison – sniffed the air, detecting a new yet familiar scent, and turned around at the sound of braying. Once the goats caught their attention, all five juvenile dragons started growling with anticipation and shifted from side to side, baring their teeth, hissing, and firmly locking their eyes on each of the hoofed mammals in front of them. Being placed in captivity, they instinctively knew that meant food. Despite being bonded to their riders and proving more intelligent than most people, dragons were still animals that cannot truly be tamed – especially with the basic instinct to hunt prey. One by one, they slowly advanced on their unsuspecting prey.

"Vermax!" Jacaerys called out. "Vermax!"

"Uhh... I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jace," Aegon the Younger shook his head.

Viserys also shook his head. "Don't get between a dragon and his meal, cousin. It's not a pretty sight," he added. Especially if you're still training them.

"Kelīs! Pālēs! (Halt! Fall back!)" the Dragonkeeper warders placed their staves in front of the juvenile dragons. To their surprise, they were remarkably strong – with Gaemon snapping his jaws and pushing forward, determined to grab his prey.


"Gaemon!" Daeron shouted.

"Arrax!" Lucerys exclaimed.

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