Chapter 9 - Dante + Emilla

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Dante's Pov:

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Dante's Pov:

After showering I dressed Nicholas, he wanted to match and wear a suit as well. He agreed to a plaid jumper and pants and a white button up shirt. Picking out my outfit I kept it simple with black suit and white button up.


I'm surprised with the dedication he still has in seeing his princess

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I'm surprised with the dedication he still has in seeing his princess. He never wanted to go to preschool. It was always a hassle to get him to go but today he couldn't wait.


"Come on dad, let's go!" He said, jumping up and down.

"Wow, bud slow down, we will get there just relax.

I asked Mateo this morning to send me the address, after buckling in little man. We headed there. As we arrived, I let him out and she bolted.

I chuckled at his little run.

As we entered the door a bell chimed. I was looking around the little coffee shop. I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. He started running up to her, I can see why he calls her Princess. Turning around I smirked at her checking me out. As she gained eye contact with me , her eyes. The girl from the club.


I have been with many people in the past, models including but damn nothing could compare to her. She was naturally beautiful. She was gorgeous, her hair brown long wavy. Her skin looked smooth, and the subtleness of the freckles.

"Hello Principessa" I said quietly, not wanting to scare her. (Translation: Princess)

"Um hi" she lightly said, her voice soft and soothing.

Gosh her lips, they were plump and light red. I think about her lips wrapped around my cock. I internally groan at the thought. As I was brought out of my head by Nicolas screaming.

I run behind the counter to find Nicholas, squeezing onto my Principessa for dear life. (Translation: Princess)

I was surprised at how comfortable he was with her. Why wasn't that me? damn I wanted her all to myself. God I'm jealous of my own kid.

I've never felt like that before.

Was it the innocence she gave off? Or the mere presence of her?

I've never felt like this before, and I fucking felt like a weak man. What would my father think?

Finally taking account of her outfit. And she fit it well, her curves hugged the skirt perfectly, uhh I could suffocate in those thighs.

"Dad, look what princess made me. It's a cake." I chuckle at his reaction, he loves cake. Chocolate was his favourite, the cake inscribed with 'my prince'.

"Wow that's amazing buddy, did you say thank you?"

"Yeah dad, and look it's chocolate"

I looked up at my Principessa, she had a glimmer in her eyes. She looked so happy. Her smile could light up a room. (Translation: princess)

Emilla Pov:

"So do you like it Bub?"

"Yeah it's so pretty, thank you princess" I smile at his happiness. This child loves chocolate as much as me.

"Dad, look what princess made me. It's a cake." He chuckled at his reaction, looking at the cake.

"Wow that's amazing buddy, did you say thank you?"

"Yeah dad, and look it's chocolate" I giggle.


"Yeah bubba"

"Can I please eat it?" Aww adorable.

"Of course bub, that's why I made it" He squealed at my response running over to the couch.

"No running Little man" the husk voice of his father spoke beside him. It sent shivers down my spine, goose bumps littered my body.

"Thank you amore" I turned around to face him. (Translation: love)

"Y-yeah of-f course I love that kid" I giggle looking back up at him. Why am I stuttering? I never do that.

I turn to look at him, his eyes connect with mine. Watching me the entire time. Staring at him.

His hands littered in silver rings glistening in the sun's rays. I didn't realise I had been staring as long as I had. As he cleared his thoughts.

"Dante" he said quietly

"Pardon me" I questioned.

"My name amore, Dante"

"Oh. Hi Emilla" I smile back at him "I um like your rings"

He chuckled, staring at me. God he must think I'm stupid. "Thanks Principessa" (Translation: princess).

"You don't recognise my name at all". He questions lightly.

"U-um no. S-should I?"

"Dio il tuo ancora più bello di quanto avessi immaginato". He said to me softly. I looked at him confused. Living here I should know that language but I don't. I seriously need to learn it. But the way he spoke sounded heavenly. (Translation: god you're even more beautiful than I'd imagined)

Stunned, confused, he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Nothing amore" He mentioned walking over.

I smiled to myself walking over to Nicholas.

He had chocolate smeared all over his face giggling at him. He was such a cutie omg.


Hey loves, hope you like this chapter. Please comment and vote.

Love you guy, see ya later <3


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