Chapter 2 - Emilla

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Emilla's Pov:

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Emilla's Pov:

"Excuse me, can I get a latte, please."

I nod and smile at the man standing behind the counter. As I hear the ding of the timer "I'll be right with you". I pull the muffins out of the oven and turn to the man.

"Great choice". I pour him his coffee and ask his name " Luke," he says. I nod and write his name on the cup.

"Can I offer you a chocolate chip muffin, Luke?" His eyes beam and he quickly shakes his head. "N-no thanks. Any other time I'd jump at the opportunity, I have a meeting. Sorry." as I finally take in his attire wearing a fresh pressed suit.

I smiled at him. " Another time then, good luck with your meeting".

"Thank you" he mumbles as he takes a sip of his latte. He pays and exits the door of the small coffee shop.

I turn the back to display the rest of the deserts in the glass display window, as the bell rings on the door echoing.

It's Miss Heidi, she's one of my regulars. She comes every day at 10:30 sharp. She's too old to stand for such a long time. So, there she sits whilst I take her order. I don't know why I did it. It's become a habit but she without a doubt will always order a black coffee and strawberry cream pie.

"Hi, dear it's quite chilly today. Please tell me you have a coat." I smiled at her, she reminded me of my grandmother " Yes I did mam".

"What have I told you Emilla, it's Heidi ". I giggle at her enthusiasm " Alright Miss Heidi, the usual". "Yes dearie"

After I gave Heidi her meal I headed to the back whipping up a batch of the best chocolate chip cookies. And I'm not just saying that they are, their heavenly, they melt in your mouth and are a town favourite.

"Are you enjoying yourself Miss?, can I offer you anything else".

She squeals. "Oh honey, it's divine I'm alright for now" She gave me her plate and I walked behind the counter, getting out of there faster than flash. Don't get me wrong I love that woman but like any old woman you get her talking she won't stop.


Believe me, I've already made that mistake. I head back to hand her the check, but the door slams open and the bell clangs maliciously, indicating a customer. And damn a rude one at that with no respect for others. I gently turned and put on a smile.

A middle aged woman came in, seemingly in a rush with a scowl on her face. Why meee? Of all days a Karen.

"Hurry up my usual''. I gave her a blank stare. Firstly lady I've never met you, second that's no way to talk to someone you're asking something for. How the heck am I supposed to know her usual?

She makes an irritated face and starts tapping her heel aggressively. "Excuse me?" I plainly ask her.

She lets out a sinister laugh "I don't have all day. Some people have real jobs". "Um, I'm sorry, who are you?" I raise my eyebrows, who does this lady think she is?

She cackles like a witch "You seriously think this is a job? Huh and where's my coffee I have a meeting and can't afford to be late"

"Excuse me, who do you think you are just because I make coffees doesn't make it any less of a job". She just rolls her eyes "whatever".

Oh this bitch you have got to be joking. "Please leave" I say as politely and calmly as I can, trying not to jump over this counter and scratch her eyes out.

"What no, I'm still waiting for my coffee and you said this is a real job so do it" she let out a huff. "And we have the right to decline rude customers, such as yourself. So that's why I'm asking as you know my job" I tell her politely

She scoffs and slams the door on her way out.

I turn to give Miss Heidi her check as she gives me a sympathetic look. "You, alright dearie"

"I am alright Miss Heidi '' I exclaim softly as she hops out of her seat. " Well, look after yourself honey, have a great day!"

"Bye Miss Heidi" I exclude a sigh. 


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Love you guy, see ya later <3


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